So here is the deal guys! I have in my possession a 14# Arsenal Artillery that was supposed to be my girlfriends. However after alittle dispute the other night we are no longer together! I just took matters into my own hands and took the ball since it was my money that bought it. Now all it is doing is sitting in my living room. I would like some thoughts as what I should do with it. Here are some ideas that have popped into my mind. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
1. Rick and I were talking over the phone the other night about dropping in weight because of my tendency to leaving 8 and 9 pins on an average of between 3-5 times a night with my 15# equipment. So I could experiment with this ball to see if it would be too light or not.
2. Sell it for a reasonable offer. I bought this ball for $197. This ball was only thrown three times by my ex! So it is basically brand new!
These are the only two ideas I have right now. Let's here your thoughts FASTTRACKERS! God Bless You All and have a great week!
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Edited on 8/1/2006 2:30 PM