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Author Topic: 2'nd / Blem ball  (Read 1331 times)


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2'nd / Blem ball
« on: September 26, 2006, 08:18:29 AM »
anyone ever use  track blem ball, 2'nd, x out ect. Do vendor's generally garauntee pin placement / top weight. Have you had good / bad experiences.




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Re: 2'nd / Blem ball
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2006, 04:30:09 PM »
Think of it like buying a used car versus a new car.  You go to a dealer and tell 'em you want a new car with a certain feature set and they'll get it for you.  If they can't come close enough with their own inventory they'll get it from another dealer or order it from the manufacturer.  

Now go to a used car dealer and tell 'em you want a certain car with certain features and if they don't have one, you're SOL.  You can only buy the ones they have.  Come back next week and they'll have different stuff.

I think blems are similar.  I doubt they'd guarantee specs as they can only sell you the specific balls they have on hand.  There's no telling when or if a ball with your requested specs will even be made.  A good seller will tell you what balls are available and you could choose the one closest to what you want, but for seconds, where there's not necessarily much money to be made, they might not even be willing to do that.



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Re: 2'nd / Blem ball
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2006, 08:14:34 PM »
I had a Track Bonanza 2 Crash, I was told by various sources that it is illegal. My pro shop guy thought it was, regardless, I gave it to Goodwill. Avoid the Bonanza 1 and 2, Bravo, Hurricane, Regency, or other blem labels. These are balls that should be melted down and materials reused. There is no reason to sell a blemished bowling ball.

Not all of them are illegal.  Check the non-conforming ball list first and you'll see that Bonanza 2s are on it.  Whoever sold you the ball should have mentioned it, though there is some responsibility on you as well.

Seconds that carry the original ball's logo and company logo are legal.  The reason for their blem-ness is usually weird pin lengths and top weights, but the core and cover combo are approved.  There will usually be an "X" in the serial number or near the CG mark (Ebonite puts "X-out" by the CG).

Blems are a good way to try out balls without spending a bunch of money.  If you've got a driller that knows how to drill them, keeping the static weights legal, and don't mind having to put up with some odd-ball drillings from time to time, you can save a bundle.  But buyer beware.  Sometimes you get a ball that's not suitable for whatever layout is desired and, as you found out, not all of them are approved.



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Re: 2'nd / Blem ball
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2006, 09:07:49 PM »
thinking about a robo rule


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Re: 2'nd / Blem ball
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2006, 07:37:02 AM »
i have had several track xouts. loved them all. usually its a mismarked cg or bad coloring on the labels. they offer the chance to try new equipment and new layouts at a much cheaper price point. several pros use xouts for their layout flexibility.
they wont gaurantee specs. most places you can get them from just pull one for a lot after you pay for it.


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Re: 2'nd / Blem ball
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2006, 06:13:44 AM »
I had a freakazoid x out. It was marked as an x out because the cover had some white swirls in it. Some polish took care of that problem. To this day, it is still one of my favorite balls.