Your personal style seems to match up pretty closely to my own, so I'll feel a little more comfortable telling you what I've seen.
My FAZ is a early-rolling, even-arcing ball. I haven't thrown more than 15 games with it yet, but I would say that it appears to be on medium, med/heavy what the GP2 is on heavy...the ball paths would look very similar if compared on the separate conditions. I also have an Arsenal Angular, and this ball clears the heads better than my FAZ...it would be much more angular than the FAZ if I hadn't drilled it with control in mind.
I think if you want to put an Arsenal Angular between your GP2 and FAZ, keeping in mind that you want a lot of angle at this position, you MIGHT have to dull the surface a little bit. I'd definitely try it out-of-box first, but I'd keep in the back of my mind that some surface might be needed to get it to read the slightly heavier patterns. I don't have a 5.0, I've only seen other people throw it, so I'll hold back on commenting on that ball. The people throwing it (Aiezza, JW on this site) made it look very promising though!
Clint can give you more help on layout suggestions than I can...he, Tenpinspro, and Carl were very helpful in laying out my recent Track additions!
Jeff Voght
PBA Eastern Region Member