Sorry guys, this is not for the Sheer Havoc, it is for the second Havoc I have drilled up for myself.
This one is drilled 4.5 pin from pap, 2inches above the midline and MB in my track just left of thumb.
Lane Condition: 38ft buffed to 44ft. Heavy oil in the middle, tapers out to the
gutter. WOOD LANES
LINE: As with most of Track's assymetrical cores, I can almost play all over the lane. My best line on this condition was to stand with my feet on 26, setting the ball down at 21board, hitting 14-15 at the arrows with my breakpoint at 8 board deep down the lane. I had plenty of room to miss right and it still finished strong. When I pulled it into the oil it was still strong enough to NOT leave flat 10s.
REACTION: Certainly not a skid/flip, I guess most of the people on ballreviews have categorized this kind of reaction as heavyroll/hard arc into the pocket. Not flippy at the breakpoint, just STRONG.
IMPACT: This ball hits just as strong as the first one I had (which I drilled leverage), very strong for a midpriced ball. It keeps the pins low, but because it drives so hard it will leave some 9 pins if you let up even a hair.
READABILITY: I can read the lanes pretty good with this ball. I still feel it is too strong to be categorized as a benchmark ball. For most bowlers I see this as an oil ball, not the first out of the bag kind of ball.
OVERALL: The Havoc is a bargain at the pricepoint it goes for. You are getting top quality technology, and not paying for it all, if you know what I mean. This ball is very forgiving, at the same time very unforgiving. If you are going to mess up....mess up aggressively, because if you let up it is going to dive very hard....sometimes leaving splits. It is such a good piece of equipment, Track's first reactive assymetrical, that I cannot wait to see the Animal Untamed with the morpheous core and reactive shell.
I will post a final review once I get some more games on the ball.
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