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Author Topic: Who says old equipment dies?  (Read 2630 times)


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Who says old equipment dies?
« on: March 23, 2007, 12:18:37 AM »
Shot 712 last night in prebowl. Shot 255 266 and 195 with my Freak. Things got tons of games on it and it still carries like a mack truck.

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Re: Who says old equipment dies?
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2007, 09:59:05 PM »
My go-to balls. Pearl Elite, Money & AMF Angle Evo Tour
All I ever wanted to do get to the line on time & throw the ball well!
All I ever wanted to do get to the line on time & throw the ball well!

Eddie M

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Re: Who says old equipment dies?
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2007, 10:32:08 PM »
Shot 712 last night in prebowl. Shot 255 266 and 195 with my Freak. Things got tons of games on it and it still carries like a mack truck.

Nobody says old equipment dies (nobody with any sense anyways ).  Ball death is mainly associated with particle balls, and some newer resin covers.  Older balls never had a reputation for dying..... not that the Freak is old in my book.  The age of a ball has nothing to do with ball death.  It is more about the coverstock of a ball.  Some covers require no real care, and never seem to lose any performance.  Some balls require constant care, to maintain performance.  And others require constant care, and still lose performance regardless.

Who is to say why a ball dies honestly, and why some people see it and other don't.  But ball death does exist, I can personally attest to that.  I have had 3 different balls die miserable deaths.  But I have also used many balls for several years each, and never saw a decrease in performance.
Right Handed
Motiv Venom Shock, Motiv Freestyle, Storm Mix
avg: 221 - hg: 300 x7

Left Handed
Storm Street Fight, Storm Mix
avg: 180


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Re: Who says old equipment dies?
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2007, 10:42:13 PM »
Just a couple of weeks ago, a guy on the opposing team shot 258/714 with a 13 yr old Nitro/R ( Yes, the lime green one ) that doesn't look like it has EVER been cleaned. .

  I have noticed something strange about old balls, or just almost any ball that seems to "die".  If I use a ball until it gets this way, I can clean it good and put it into the closet for a few weeks.  When I get it back out, it hooks and hits as hard as ever.

  Somebody told me that with the surface clean, the time in the closet must let the residual oil soak far enough into the shell that it isn't close enough to the upper surface of the shell to affect the balls reaction, and also lets the ball soak up more oil before it "dies" out again.  Sounded good to me anyway.

  By the way, good shooting Dj.

Learn to laugh, and love, and smile, cause we’re only here for a little while.


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Re: Who says old equipment dies?
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2007, 10:45:06 PM »
but do you remember the Rule line?

one of the best lines in bowling history in my opinion