Well, when I was about 13 (I am about 16 now), I used to think Track was the most amazing thing out. They had some pretty good equipment, and when the Machine came out, everyone was raving over how great it was. I shot my first honor scores with the ball, including 5 290's an 801 and a whole lot of 279's.
Now I have sort of slipped away, to throwing bigger and better things in my opinion. Why is this? Why did I lose intrest?
Basically, in my opinion, everything sort of went down hill after Del Warren left. He was creating good balls and coming out with some pretty good stuff, and doing his job as a good ball making company would do.
Has anyone else lost intrest in Track Industries? I am just wondering because they used to be a great company, and now they cannot guarantee a bowling ball will be shipped out. I am just asking what the deal is. Track will seriously need to bounce back and come back with new products if Ebonite is looking to keep them. I am sorry if I sound hatred, but I just don't know why I have lost so much interest in a good bowling company.
"Do you NV me?" 
Ebonite Total NV
Ebonite Angular One
Hammer Black Widow
Storm Pyro"Ey, Yo Crank! What ball was that?"