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Author Topic: Won a Track 916AT  (Read 997 times)


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Won a Track 916AT
« on: October 18, 2010, 11:57:29 PM »
Jeremy Troxell Web Producer - Marketing Ebonite International, Inc.sent me an e-mail yesterday that I was one of the winners in the contest on the Track website on the new 916AT.  

The funny thing is that I had just drilled a 920T on Sat. and ordered a 715C Monday morning after using the 920T and very happy with the reaction.  

So, it does pay to enter these website contests.  

I will post a review after I get the ball which are being shipped Nov. 11.  I'll probably put it between the 920T for an angular type ball and above the 715C.  My intention is to get a 505A to put underneath the 715C and a 300C under that.
