OK I'll bite, I have nearly 25 balls in the spare room. 90% are Track balls, the other two/three are Columbia 300 and AMF, for lighter volumes and shorter distances.
I have a GP2, a couple of 5.0s, an Exception, a couple Heats, a couple Arsenals, a Slash, A FAZ (that's cracking by the fingers, and I love the ball -I won a big tournament with it in October) a Rule that I whacked them at the ABCs with last month, and a few other various and sundry Track balls I can't think of that I have a the moment.
I'm still waiting to acquire a couple of Desert Heats because I need them to play the dry part of the wet/dry I seem to find myself bowling on in a couple houses here.
So alas, if you find me appropriate for membership, sign me up.
=) FB
Happy Bowling!
**Member of the Buffalo and New York State Bowling Association Halls of Fame
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