I've been excited several times about upcoming releases but I've never been excited about an entire line as I am now. The 4 upcoming balls along with the current line contains such a vast diversity in terms of cover, core and ball reaction. You have PEAK Particle, GOO LS, GOO LS Fang, Power Plus, Power Plus Pearl, Power Pack, Power Plus Ex, all wrapped in low, medium and high RG symmetrical and asymmetrical cores. I feel with the addition of the Desert Heat, they have the best all inclusive arsenal.
Here is what I'm looking forward to:
Delta/X5.0: Something when I need that strong change of direction downlane or playing deep angles. Just open them up as much as possible.
Aggressive/Arsenal Reactive/Slash or Solution: Just pure controlled power when fresh and more pop downlane when one is hooking too early. Great reads from all of them.
Solution Power Plus Ex/Heat/Desert Heat: Medium to light oil balls that provide great read and reaction. The "Sunkist" has been such a great track area and square up ball. I'm suspecting the Solution to have a tad more kick downlane than the Heat which would be perfect.
Anthony Chapman
Track International Staff
Turbo Grips 2-N-1 Staff