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Author Topic: Xception...anyone disappointed?  (Read 1806 times)

Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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Xception...anyone disappointed?
« on: December 27, 2004, 12:02:18 PM »
I am just curious because a good friend of mine cannot get his to hook.  He drilled it stacked leverage and I even sanded it down to 600 grit for him when out of the box it didn't do anything but skid.  It still won't do much of anything on our typical house shot even with the dull surface.  He has even tried slowing his ball speed and putting more fingers into the ball to get it to react, but it doesn't do much.  Just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem with theirs.  Could it be the drilling?  It is definitely not burning up.  Our THS has a good amount of head oil with stripped backends.
*Don't swing it if you can't bring it.*

Edited on 12/27/2004 9:04 PM



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Re: Xception...anyone disappointed?
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2004, 08:09:19 PM »
Could be the drilling. It might not match up well with his game.
I just close my eyes and throw the ball


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Re: Xception...anyone disappointed?
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2004, 08:36:10 PM »
i think i have the same thing with my recharge, 4x4 1st stacked drilled ever and it jsut slides, slides some more, then slides some more, and i took the polsih off it too.

Tom Kelleys Pro Shop


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Re: Xception...anyone disappointed?
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2004, 08:53:37 PM »
Some balls just dont fare well with a stacked leverage drilling.  If you want it to move try going with pin under ring and cg down and to the right if you right handded close to thumb with the cg kick out a little to positive side. without knowing specs of ball it hard to map out for you hope this helps but ihave had similar problems with t his layout and i tend not to use it much anymore some balls it comes out great others it just leaves you scratching your head hope this helps ya out.
Welcome to the land of the lefties, where there is a wall and I know how to use it!

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Xception...anyone disappointed?
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2004, 10:50:28 PM »
You have written stacked leverage, but where is this placing the MB in relation to the bowlers PAP?
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

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Re: Xception...anyone disappointed?
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2004, 11:25:22 PM »
Mine isn't as strong as I had hoped either.  With mine, I have the pin below above the middle finger, and the mass bias just to the right of the thumbhole.  Was hoping to use it in place of my Inferno, but it doesn't give me as much recovery as my Inferno does.  Might hook a little more than my Crunch Time, but not by much.  Little bit of a disappointment, but I haven't given up on it yet.

The great one

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Re: Xception...anyone disappointed?
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2004, 01:55:08 AM »
I've posted this on another topic, but i have 2 and both are absolutly wonderful. The newest has the pin next to the ring finger, and the mass bias by the thumb..if you were looking at a track drillsheet, it would be pin between #2 and 3, and mass bias #2. The one drilled like this starts up alot sooner, with alot more overall hook than the other (pin on bridge, mass bias out farther, between positions 2 and 3. That one gets down the lane easier, farther, with a snapper move on the backend. No disapointments or lack of hook here!


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Re: Xception...anyone disappointed?
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2004, 05:11:16 AM »
Sir Bowl-A-Lot, can you please tell me what ball he was using that was getting reaction and how that was drilled?  Just trying to get a better picture here of what's going on, thanks.

thegame, if you have the pin under your mid finger and your right handed, that's actually a very controlled placement for it.  If you want more out of the ball, the pin should be moved over towards the ring area (above, next to, below).  Achappy drills a fair amount of equipment like you described but he has very high revs which helps offset the strength of the higher perfomance balls.  Hope this helps explain some...
Rick Leong
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Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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Re: Xception...anyone disappointed?
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2004, 10:59:35 AM »
You have written stacked leverage, but where is this placing the MB in relation to the bowlers PAP?

Not exactly sure, but the MB is a little below and to the right of his thumb hole (he is a righty).
*Don't swing it if you can't bring it.*

Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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Re: Xception...anyone disappointed?
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2004, 11:02:25 AM »
Sir Bowl-A-Lot, can you please tell me what ball he was using that was getting reaction and how that was drilled?  Just trying to get a better picture here of what's going on, thanks.

He has an Inferno that has the cg at the center of his grip and the pin to the right of his ring finger (basically label).  It has a pretty good midlane with an awesome backend.  Hope that helps.
*Don't swing it if you can't bring it.*

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Xception...anyone disappointed?
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2004, 12:54:49 PM »
sir bowl-a-lot,

I am thinking that the pin in the leverage position and the MB right of the thumb (this also depends on his PAP).....the two are offsetting eachother. I hope that makes sense, I could not think of a better way to put it. The MB placement is in a "snap" or strong breakpoint drilling, however the pin is in the position that gets the ball started up very early, which is not going to leave very much reaction in the backend. I have one drilled leverage with the MB on my VAL and it is at best a med/heavy condition ball. In no way can I use it on heavy oil.

NOTE: The Goo LS is made to get the ball down the lane and have its reaction primarily centered on the backend. It is not going to pick up roll early, even when dull----unless the bowler has very slow ball speed.
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

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Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Xception...anyone disappointed?
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2004, 01:10:58 PM »
I agree with Ex, as they are probably offsetting the other one. Not that it is a bad thing, just doesn't sound like the desired reaction wanted.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460

Lane Bed

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Re: Xception...anyone disappointed?
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2004, 12:00:17 AM »
Did anyone read the spec's for this ball? It is for big back end conditions. One is certainly not going to replace an Inferno with it. Everyone has been asking Track for some drier lane balls. GOO LS, loooong slide, here is one of them. Excellent ball for medium dry or pattern "E". The carry is phenominal. Ball came shiny and the guys that design them are pretty smart hombres. I'll bet that it was meant to be kept shiny. We can tweak the cover a little to help us here and there but I'd be willing to bet that the designers meant to keep it shiny. That is its intended purpose.


EvEryOnE rOlls OvEr thE lanE bEd


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Re: Xception...anyone disappointed?
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2004, 12:34:58 PM »
Along the lines of what Lanebed said, I always tell my customers who want something new to tell me what they want the ball for. Just because the ball is new does not make the ball the biggest hooking ball on the market suited for anything you come across, it can be condition specific. Its like when we were kids and played with blocks and trying to put the square peg into the hole for the circle. It didn't fit, did it? Same goes for bowling balls, not every ball will fit anywhere, it has its purpose and should be used (placed) where intended.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: Xception...anyone disappointed?
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2004, 03:45:21 PM »
Hey Sir Bowl a lot,

Does your friend have low revs?  If he does, we're back to the point of a symmetrical block reacting sooner and stronger unless the asymmetrical ball is drilled properly to that style.  The mb placement may be too far away for him to pick up and if there are no dry boards to the right, only on the backend, he have to have higher revs or the mb placed in a much earlier rolling position to help him get the desired reaction.  Thanks..
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
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