A little background first-
I'm looking for a ball to use on the longer PBA patterns. I have no intention of using this during my leagues or on the shorter patterns. If I threw the Xception once a month and had success with it, I'd be totally happy.
I don't have a million revs, so when I play farther left on the longer PBA patterns (C and B in particular), I have a tough time matching up well. I have had some success on A and D, and I generally bowl well on E.
When bowling on the longer patterns, I've found that particle pearls or sanded reactive pearls work the best for me. Solid reactives and particles tend to hook too early and don't hit hard (Rock-On, V2 Strong were failures...the original Danger Zone has been decent, but not great). I drilled a Depth Charge but the carry with that wasn't great (Storm stuff in particular, I think...they just seem "soft")....tried a Crunch Time (Pin next to ring, CG right of center on midline about 2", extra hole near my PAP), but that works much better on broken-down conditions for me. The best results I've had is with a sanded V2 Pearl (Pin under ring 1", CG out 3" and 1/2" above midline, large hole near my PAP, maybe 1" left...I can't remember at the moment), but that only works well for a couple of games.
So- I'd like to try an Xception, probably dulled down to 1000 or so. I have a ball in our pro shop with a 3" pin, CG 1" right of a line drawn from Pin to MB. Do you guys have any advice on how I should drill this up?
Thanks in advance!
Jeff Voght
PBA Eastern Region Member