FBM357 & kgee15,
I hear what you're saying, but realize that the MB position with respect to the PAP is not the only factor involved here. One other significant pair of factors is both the ball speed and, by implication, the ratio of revs to ball speed. I suspect that ratio is more important than the actual ball speed. I believe the factor at least partially responsible for the lack of ball reaction on both your parts, is related to that ratio being lower than required for that MB position.
FBM357 (Vernon),
I know your ball speed is higher than mine, while your rev rate may be equal to mine. I may get more of a ball reaction with the MB to the left of the thumb hole SOLELY because my ball speed is slower and my ball has a better/higher chance to react and have more of a backend than your has.
The same may be true of yours, kgee15.
if your revs were higher or your ball speed were lower, your ball would have a better chance to react as you expected and would have preferred.
This is my belief, without the benefit of measurements.
For future reference, I'd suggest you keep the "apparent" influence of these factors in mind, along with all the other factors involved: specific ball, its coverstock and its surface finish. core design factors, pin placement, etc. The relationship of all these factors becomes the bottom line, as far as ball reaction is concerned.
This is a learning experience for us all. All I can suggest is to keep in mind what you have learned. It can save future mistakes; all a driller can do, during all this, is make his best guesses, as we rarely have all the vital information on hand.
Bowling: Just like hand grenades and horse shoes, you only have to get close.
Life: Deal with what is.