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Author Topic: Rule questions...  (Read 923 times)


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Rule questions...
« on: February 23, 2005, 05:28:32 AM »
Used to be a big Track nut (Heat, Voodoo, Mojo, Spell)  Moved around a bit with Hammer and Storm, but am back where I started.

Bought a Rule off of someone about a month ago, got around to punching it up only to need some repair, so FINALLY got around to throwing it for a bit last night.

I left the ball in the finish it was when I got it, about 1000 grit or so I'd say.

Threw it on a nice house shot last night--- One thing I noticed though was that the ball didn't hook nearly as much as I thought, and when I got it out and down the lane, it seemed to push far and not recover as well as I thought. (Though the ball has a nice midlane roll, and when I played the line tight enough and hit my mark, pins went flying) Now, since I DID use my Sling Blade last night and shot fairly well with it, I'm wondering if the ball is just dying on that shot at 1000 grit.  I'm hitting it up with some Neotac Control-It before I use it again tonight to see what a polished ball does.

Just wondering what conditions you guys find works best with this ball, and what surface do you leave it at?

The above is a pic of the layout by the way, just because I know inevitably someone will ask.


Mitch Beasley

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Re: Rule questions...
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2005, 01:37:39 PM »
If you are right handed you have it drilled to roll in the middle of the lane and to not backend much. You have the Mass Bias way to the left which will hold back the backend of the ball. The drill you have is a control drill that will work on strong backends and when you play direct. From the picture the Mass Bias is at least 8 or 9 inches from your axis. I drilled one simular and it was about 1 to 1 1/2 arrows weaker than my Rules with the mass bias at 4 inches from axis.
Beasley pro shop

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Re: Rule questions...
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2005, 01:46:39 PM »
Yeah, that's what I usually go with on my equipment nowadays-- midline roll, controllable, solid hit.

I'm gonna polish it and see if I get a tad more length and recovery out of it.  I'm not expecting it to come whizzing back from the ditch, but I need it to turn over when I keep it inside, rather than having it hit flat.


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Re: Rule questions...
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2005, 01:49:41 PM »
I drill most of my stuff with the mass bias in the weak position, and it does make a huge difference in ball reaction. You will see more movement out of a ball with the mass bias kicked out towards your PAP, in position #3 on Track's drill sheets.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
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Mitch Beasley

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Re: Rule questions...
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2005, 01:58:37 PM »
If you want it with a controlled backend but to be able to move from the inside you should have in on the left edge of the Thumb not three inches left of it. I have some drilled on the left edge of the thumb and they are very versitile. The one I drilled three inches left of the thumb was not versatile at all. If I tried to get left and hook it, it would leave a flat ten pin almost every time.
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Re: Rule questions...
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2005, 05:58:07 PM »

As has already been mentioned that is a VERY control layout on the ball. To try to get that to work without having to plug the ball I would suggest hitting the surface with 800 or even 600....then put some polish on it to help it recover better. If you put polish on it and the backends are decent it will recover more. If that does not work, your only option is to move the MB closer to the Thumb or even to the right endge of the thumb.

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Re: Rule questions...
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2005, 03:34:41 AM »
Hey mrtapped,

Can't really see the pic that well but if your mb is located where Mitch stated, the ball is doing exactly what it's supposed to.  Mitch's definition and suggestion are dead on to what I'm thinking.  Maybe Ex's cover change can give you a hair more but having the mb that far away does really make it hard to give you the reaction you're describing.
Rick Leong
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