Most of you know----to an extent that Track has given us what we want as far as equipment. We wanted a reactive morpheous....we got that in the Untamed, and you can add the Rule to that list now. <<<<just one example.
I have heard from a reliable source that a few of the Track "higher ups" read this forum often. As bowlers, and the CUSTOMER, use this thread to let know what it is you would like to see. I know this kind of post has happened in this forum several times.
There is a difference now with this forum as to what it was then. Take a look at the hits we get at this forum now. When I first started coming to ballreviews Track had very few "hits"/posts/replies. It was very stale. Now we have a very good community of good people here.
The people at Track listen and want to make the customers happy. So tell them what you want to see. Most of us already do so, but you can even start topics telling everyone what you have seen out of the Track equipment you use. Their future releases are going to depend on the feedback of customer.
NOW----onto what I would like to see**L** (greed sets in):
To this point basically everything I have wanted has happened. One thing I would like see is the Animal's exact core in a reactive pearl cover. Naturally I know that core and coverstock combos are very important and that the core of the Animal was designed with that strong particle shell in mind. This is just a wish.
OK people....your turn!!!!
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio
Track Intl.-Advisory Staff