I may have read this on a previous thread, but I figured I would start my own.
What are you using for what lane condition?
Heavy: GP2
MED-Heavy: Arsenal Aggressive
MED: Arsenal Angular and Slash
MED/Light: Xception
Light: Xception and Hexplosion
Polyester: Boxing Glove
I have 4 GP2s---3 get some use...2 of them cover the heavy(one a little more than the other), the other is med/heavy.
Currently I am trying to put together a bit of a "throw back" Track lineup to use during my summer league. The lanes will be resurfaced and when that happens they track a ball up really bad. I don't want that to happen to some of these newer balls.
So this is what I am hoping to develope:
Heavy: Phenom Unleashed
Med-Heavy: FreakOut
Med: Triple Threat and CrunchTime
Med-light: VooDoo
light: Hex Darkside
I have all of these except the CrunchTime, VooDoo and Darkside. Anyone wanna help me get them?
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio
Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff