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Author Topic: 2004 ABC Reno Report  (Read 3940 times)

D Scott Johnson

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2004 ABC Reno Report
« on: April 04, 2004, 09:48:35 PM »
Here is my report on the 2004 ABC National Championships in Reno:

Flights & Luggage

Flew American Airlines from Evansville to Chicago to Reno.
Took a three ball bag with only two balls in it and packed my shoes in my carry-on luggage.
No problems anywhere.  Was asked how many bowling balls I had in the bag, but when I said two, no further questions or problems.
Check in at Reno airport to fly back was easy and quick.  We did go two hours in advance of our flight because we had heard of long delays and slow lines, but we did not find that to be the case.

UPS Ball Shipping

I shipped 4 balls via UPS to the Stadium using ABC Ball Service.  They were there on my arrival.  The ABC stored my wrapping and box and provided tape and other things to ship my equipment back home.  There were probably cheaper ways to do this but the convenience alone made it worthwhile.

ABC at the Stadium

I found the shot to be pretty much what had been described by others on this board.  Outside of 10 seemed to be out of bounds unless you had lots of hand and even that was no guarantee it would get back.  You will want to play somewhere in the 10 to 25 board area for right handers.
8:30 Team Event --  I started out standing on 22 and going 15 to 13 using my Sharp Blade.  Worked great when I hit my mark, but I did not have a lot of room.  Gradually bumped left during the night and ended at standing at 25 and playing 17 to 14.
Shot games of 233-213-202 = 648.  Best thing was I made all my spares and shot a clean 30.  Not only do you get a cool acrylic ABC award for this but the Peppermill will give you a lightweight jacket for it.  Team shot 2867.

5:30 Doubles/Singles --  I started where I finished team event for doubles using the Sharp Blade.  It worked for the first game but then I was having to move too deep for the Sharp Blade to work for me.  Decided to try an experiment and moved back right and went to my Wild and played straight up 10 for the second game.  It worked for awhile too, but very speed sensitive and I had to be too accurate.  In Game 3 I went to my Turbo Diesel and found a decent shot playing the 15 to 13 bump shot.  Towards the end, even that was gone.
Shot games of 225-192-207 = 624
When we moved lanes for singles the two lanes were nothing alike.  The left lane was hooking a bunch and early, the right lane was not reacting at all.  I decided to move deeper and shot all of singles with my Vicious Reactive Pearl, playing about 4 boards different on the two lanes.  Ended up standing 30 and playing 18 to 13 and standing 26 and playing 16 to 13.  By the end of game 3 everything had moved left another 4 boards.
Shot games of 213-237-212 = 662

All Events total of 1934.

As has been stated before, it is really easy to leave 9 pins and 4-9's.  Something about those Twister Pins combined with the entry angle.  Lots of great shots were not rewarded.  Also, bring your spare ball and go straight at 'em.  Lots of trouble shooting left side spares for folks because the middle had enough oil to make you miss right because it would hang, but then, when folks shot more direct and the ball crossed the center oil line, it would jump left.  Both of our squads started on time and were enjoyable with good folks on either side of us.  Approaches were just fine, no one on our pair had any trouble at all.  Bracket money gets picked up at the Sands, not at the stadium, or you can have then mail your money to you.

Bowlers Journal

As has been stated by others, the Bowlers Journal is really just a house shot.  Back ends are not snappy strong but good.  You really could play just about anywhere you wanted and was comfortable.  Shot 741 and 608 in my two doubles sets.  Shot 600 and 613 in my two singles sets.  I should have scored better but I just threw too many bad shots to really get anything going after the first set of doubles. Played a little 12 to 10 bump shot with my Turbo Diesel in my best set.

Bowling This Month

The toughest shot in town.  42' flat pattern is what I believe it is.  The shot is very sensitive to speed and hand and accuracy.  And, then, even if you do it all right, the reward is not always there.  This tournament is a true test of bowling skill and humbling as well.
Bowled three singles sets shooting:  850 - 768 - 688 (four game series).  Shots must be repeated and speed needs to be consistent.  I saw guys playing everywhere but few scoring very well.  My best series (850), I played a 13 to 10 bump shot with slowing my speed down using the Vicious Pearl Reactive and making most of my spares.

I did not bowl the 40 Frame Game but it was at the same house as the BJ and with the same shot I believe.


I would agree with others assessment that Reno town has seemed to have gone downhill a bit since our last trip there.  More street folks and larger gangs of people hanging around.  While I did not have any negative experiences, I didn't wander too much.  My roommate went for a walk one night and came back quickly stating that it just didn't feel safe to him.  Nothing had happened but he just did not have a good feeling about walking by himself.

I don't gamble much but my roommate seemed to like the folks at the Silver Legacy.

We stayed at the Circus-Circus.  It wasn't fancy but it was ok.  Especially for the price.

Be sure to take advantage of Tony Roma's Steak and Ribs located in the Sands.  ABC bowlers can show their cards and get 50% off your entree (not your total bill).  The ribs and steak were very good and the service was good as well.  Be prepared for a bit of a wait though, they seem to be very popular.
Without a doubt, the best buffet is located in the Atlantis.  Toucan Charlies was the best breakfast and dinner buffet we had.  Actually, you can just skip the salad and main course and make yourself sick on their dessert bar.  They have a cherry cheesecake that melts in your mouth.  Very good.

If you have other questions, I will try to answer them (if I can).  Message me.  Scott



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Re: 2004 ABC Reno Report
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2004, 02:40:23 PM »

Thanks Scott. Good bowling.
You are the first one I've hear that's bowl decent.

From what I hear, Casinos in Reno collectively makes sure that theres no danger to visitors although looking at groups and bums hanging around can be quite spooky. Especially on the side roads and lanes.


"Faulty mechanics makes all balls bad."  Bill Hall, BTM Dec. '98


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Re: 2004 ABC Reno Report
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2004, 05:32:56 PM »

When did you bowl?

D Scott Johnson

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Re: 2004 ABC Reno Report
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2004, 01:16:17 AM »
Thanks for the compliments.  It was a good ABC for me.  I also had 27 nine counts and picked them all up.

I bowled team on March 28 at 8:30 and s/d on March 29 at 5:30.



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Re: 2004 ABC Reno Report
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2004, 07:59:41 AM »
Scott,  If I don't see you in Washington soon, GREAT bowling.  Maybe bowling on those Twisters at home helps, I know I am used to seeing high flush nine pins. I can't wait to get out there in June.  Again, congrats.
Brett Estes

D Scott Johnson

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Re: 2004 ABC Reno Report
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2004, 02:23:50 PM »
Scott...Did anyone in your group...or yourself...try to play pretty straight outside? I know you probably can't swing it out there as per all the reports, but was wondering if you tried to play straight around 5-7 board, if it would work.


I never went outside.  I watched several shifts prior to our bowling and those that tried to play outside did not seem to have much to play with at all.

Two of the guys we were with tried to move out to first arrow.  When they hit the right 1/4 board with the right turn and speed, it was devastating.  But miss left or right a little and it got ugly real fast.  One was throwing an Intensity and the other a Swamp Monster.  One stayed out there and struggled.  The other finally moved in and then had some limited success.

I'm not saying that some bowlers couldn't match up out there, but it seemed very iffy at best.



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Re: 2004 ABC Reno Report
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2004, 04:26:30 PM »
Scott,  Just wonder what lanes you were on.  There has been a lot of talk that the high end is really bad.


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Re: 2004 ABC Reno Report
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2004, 04:39:48 PM »
Just made it back from reno...  long, long flight, but that's a different story...  
Team event...  
was very surprised about how the pattern played.  Although the graph shows a fairly light/short oil shot, I was expecting it to play a little longer.  I was dead wrong...  it played (at least for me) as a flood with very weak backends.... and normally this isn't a problem for me with my medium-high revs and soft speed.  I had little to no reaction anywhere on the lane... I had brought fairly strong pearl equipment expecting to play inside... but just had no reaction.  I ended up playing straight up 13, getting a little "wrinkle" to the pocket.  There was a playable shot there, but miss outside (even a board) and it was a sure wash-out...  shot 590 with four opens (all wash-outs).  

Lucky us drew BOTH 7am squad (fresh oil again) and high end of the house (lanes 59-60 I believe).  Shot played much different than the previous day in team.  Seemed to play a little drier.  I had a little bit of room playing inside (18 to 13), but didn't carry well.  After 1st game, carry down set in and the ball reaction went to pot...  combine that with horrible spare shooting and I was lucky to just break 500.  Switched pairs and continued as I had finished the last set...  score wasn't worth mentioning.  A couple guys with us scored decent by moving out around 1st arrow and playing straight up with fairly aggressive equipment..may have been something out there!?!?

Decided things couldn't get much worse, so we caught a cab out and to bowl the 40 frame game...  As luck would have it (seeing a common trend here), we caught a bad shift yet again.  Hit the 3pm squad (3rd shift oil)...  the heads/mids were totally burnt (and this was supposed to be an easy house shot).  The only sign of oil was carry down...needless to say we didn't score very well there either.

Played slots at the Sands and Silver Legacy...  I have never seen tighter slots in my life...  went through a couple hundred and never hit a single was absolutely amazing... I think 4 of use dumped about $1500 with maybe the biggest hit being ~ $50.  Only saving grace was we played quite a bit of blackjack both places and didn't lose too much...  I would suggest holding onto your cash instead of playing the slots as they were tough!

The only bright spot of the trip was the food.  Tony Romas was good and the 50% discount made the price decent.  We hit the brunch buffet in the silver legacy for $10.99 and it was worth every cent!  Nothing like eating prime rib at 9:30am!  Food was excellent there.  Other places including the stadium were very expensive and only had marginal food (stadium food was terrible...).  To top things off, our trip home took about 17 hrs (including time changes, flight, layovers, and driving home from the airport) and the airlines were tough on my relatively new 3-ball roller (handle was broke and bag was ripped in a couple differernt places).  Overall I have to say, it just wasn't a very good trip for me.
I wish the best of luck to everyone else!!!  And make sure you check out the two places I mentioned for food!    

The Bengals season has come to an end.  Achieved the .500 mark, so all was not lost.  Now we look forward to April...  Come on Chris Gamble


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Re: 2004 ABC Reno Report
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2004, 04:48:15 PM »
Has anyone tried the ElDorado Buffet? When I lived there, it was by far the best place in town.
We Know What Bowlers Want

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Re: 2004 ABC Reno Report
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2004, 07:17:06 PM »


For buffet, try toucan charlie at the Atlantis. Much better.


"Faulty mechanics makes all balls bad."  Bill Hall, BTM Dec. '98


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Re: 2004 ABC Reno Report
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2004, 07:55:16 PM »
D SCOTT JOHNSON and Strapper_Squared .. Thanks to BOTH of you .. that was a great OVER VIEW of what to EXPECT from the BOWLING and RENO. Thanks for taking the time .. all of us who have not yet made the trip .. DEEPLY APPRECIAE your thoughts!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: 2004 ABC Reno Report
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2004, 02:13:22 PM »
D SCOTT JOHNSON and Strapper_Squared .. Thanks to BOTH of you .. that was a great OVER VIEW of what to EXPECT from the BOWLING and RENO. Thanks for taking the time .. all of us who have not yet made the trip .. DEEPLY APPRECIAE your thoughts!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O

No problem... hopefully some of our info will help out!  When I talked to the guys in the booths about which balls had been scoring on the fresh shot, they all pointed to their heavy load particles...  I think that if I were to bowl again, I would punch up a smooth arcing high load particle ball...possibly a granite gargoyle, swamp monster, TNT, or maybe a mayhem with pin under fingers and cg kicked out.  
The buffet I was talking about is actually between the eldorado and silver legacy (as bowlingtourney described above). It is a little pricey for straight breakfast, but the carving station (roast beef, prime rib, turkey, ham) and fresh fruit, desserts, drinks, and all the breakfast food, it was reasonable.  Personally, I think it was the best food I had while out there.  

The Bengals season has come to an end.  Achieved the .500 mark, so all was not lost.  Now we look forward to April...  Come on Chris Gamble


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Re: 2004 ABC Reno Report
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2004, 05:37:59 PM »
Strapper_Squared     I'm taking my Granite Gargoyle with me with a 800 grit polish. Also been debating on whether or not to take my Midnight scorcher also.
Our team has 7:30 team and 7:00AM doubles and singles. Also taking a green gargoyle and a DC Tour. Do you think the Midnight scorcher would be a good idea or would the Granite will be enough?



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Re: 2004 ABC Reno Report
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2004, 08:20:49 PM »
bowlingtourneycom,   Thanks for the info.
Had a great look last year with the Granite with a light shine.
I know the shot isn't the same but can't see not being able to use the
Granite. My buddy was using a Super Carbide Bomb and when he dried the track up
I didn't have a pearl drilled up strong enough (too much over under) when
I had to get deeper. Got a Green Gargoyle drilled up to start sooner, really like
the Green Gargoyle.
