I think too many people are psyching themselves out to this pattern.....
Let's think about this....
If you have ever bowled on Viper...what happens if you try to go left to right on the fresh? The ball horribly over reads the middle and hangs when you get it past the track at all. This is true of any pattern where the length is less than 40 feet and there is a decent amount of friction downlane.
If you start further right with less axis rotation and some surface, most of these patterns aren't horrible. No they aren't easy, but by going more direct and lowering your axis rotation, your misses are smaller and spares more makeable.
I watched the live stream the other day for the first game and noticed that in practice a few of the guys went more direct up the lane, then took a big step left at the end of practice. I really thought the balls that were around 5-8 at the arrows and at the breakpoint had the best looks. Anything that went away from the head pin required some pretty sharp shotmaking.
I think this will be like most years.....if you move left too fast....you will perish in team event. Too many modern bowlers think that playing "straight" is 12 to 7 and not having the breakpoint actually in front of them. This is incredibly important when bowling on a pattern where the middle hooks a lot and there is OB.
Little known fact: In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"