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Author Topic: 2012 Nationals Hook????  (Read 6110 times)


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2012 Nationals Hook????
« on: March 02, 2012, 06:25:24 PM »
Any one watching some of the live streaming from Nationals in Baton Rouge?
I was surprised to see how much the lanes are hooking. I bowl next weekend and watching today both men and women playing anywhere up the right side of the lane are consistently going through the face or Brooklyn. It looks like any where near the first arrow is heavy oiled and won't recover, but any where inside of that is just clearing the first half of the lanes and then hooks strong. (face or Brooklyn) Have to say that I'm extremely surprised. 

"1 of 1." 
Edited by kidlost2000 on 3/2/2012 at 8:49 PM
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Re: 2012 Nationals Hook????
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2012, 11:42:56 AM »
39' length with 6 loads outside and 1 load on the others. Playing up the boards with a mild reactive ball with surface. Shots that are missed left for righties doesn't have the extra hold in the middle and are badly missed left of pocket. If you miss right and get the ball right of 5 it's very ugly if not in the gutter. We've had the shot out for two weeks and I've seen some really good scores playing up the boards between 10 and 6, but don't miss early right!!!! We checked the pattern and it has a very flat shape and you can once they open up play deeper, but you still have to make good shots!!! 39' pattern has 21' before the head pin, which give the ball lots of room to hook so don't pull your shots and you'll be ok!!! I've seen strong bowling balls play up the outside, but it was very tricky and shots missed right was in the gutter!!!

Train a child up in the way they should go and when they are old they will do some "Damn Good Bowling", be a "DV8" and not turn from it, besides bowling starts with a Big B!


The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.

Bruce Campbell

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Re: 2012 Nationals Hook????
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2012, 02:52:37 PM »
This is exactly why I plan on taking old and weak equipment.  I am taking a Tornado, Warlock, Green Gargoyle, 3D Pearl Hammer, AMB Solid, and a spare ball.  My mindset, and dont flame me too hard, is that 39 feet is that of a THS.  It really boils down to the volume of the USBC shot compared to a THS.  Before you flame me, I completely understand that the shot plays much tougher than a THS.  I am basing this solely on ball matchup. I also understand that not everyone has a 500rpm rev rate either.  I would almost expect to see alot of balls like Freezes and mid performance equipment.  However, I am sure I will still see quite a bit of higher end stuff due to inexperience and stubborness.  Some people will need higher end stuff but most will be more successful with balls that are mid performance in strength.  Bowlers will want to trust their equipment as long as they can. My intial plan is to take my Tornado and play around 15 out to around 8-10 breakpoint.  I do have a practice session the night before team event there at the River Center with my team so will adjust accordingly and strategize with them as to the best way to attack it.  

Peace doesnt always have to be silent.
Steven Vance
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Re: 2012 Nationals Hook????
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2012, 03:06:54 PM »
 Good point. Im looking heavy at my two wicked sieges and two Revolutions. I have a pin down Wicked at 1000grit and a pin up at box finish with polish. Both balls give me great length. The pin down handles a little heavier oil. One Revolution is activator+ pearl at 4000 and the other is PK18 polished. I will have two other balls to fill in but these four by far allow me the most versatility. My 5th will likly be a Motiv GT-1 at box finish with a 2 3/4" pin to pap. Its very clean but still very aggressive. The last will be either a Wreckless or Too wreckless.

"1 of 1." 
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: 2012 Nationals Hook????
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2012, 05:20:29 PM »
I have a little bid of hand, i am more up the back of the ball. I always bowl better in team on the fresh than i do in minors.

I am taking a NEXXUS drilled to arc (MB drilled out in thumb, pin set just to the right of ring finger) i am leaving it OOB.

C-system 3.5 drilled the same as the nexxus sanded to 4000

Mutant Cell pin up between fingers sanded to 2000

Natural OOB drilled to roll.


I will start out 10-5 and from what i have seen i will have no problem getting the ball to wrinkle. I bet i end up using the natural more than anything.

Obviously you were not listening to your ball...


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Re: 2012 Nationals Hook????
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2012, 06:45:06 PM »
 Most balls getting near 5 dont recover. Lots of gutters and 7 counts in that area. Just from what Ive seen on the live cast.

"1 of 1." 
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: 2012 Nationals Hook????
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2012, 06:54:59 PM »
Ya, you get to far out and your gone, in to far and your up in the nose.  Looks Fun.
You are going to have to be a shot maker this year.


Gene J Kanak

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Re: 2012 Nationals Hook????
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2012, 09:37:37 PM »
Yeah, I watched the archived video a few different times already. Balls that go to the right too early almost guarantee you a 2-8-10, three off the right, or moat monster! There's no hold, so balls left of target are destined for beak jobs or run-away Brooklyns. The key, as it always seems to be, is to go as straight as you can as long as you can until a defined hook spot opens up down the lane. Once it does, you will have a little bit more bounce and can afford to go slightly away from the pocket. As such, as many others have said, this year's 2.2 to 1 ratio is going to make team strategy/dedication even more important than in previous years. As for myself, I was out today working at trying to pretty much go 10 to 8 or so. My thought is to probably start with my 2000-grit Burst. If we create some hook, I may be able to bump in a bit as the set wears along. If not, I'll need to ball down to my special edition Black Widow or possibly even my EPX-T1, which pretty much rolls like a strong urethane. Just have a plan, stick to it, and keep yourself in play. That's what team is all about.

Another year, another arsenal of bowling balls, and I'm still a standard house hack!


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Re: 2012 Nationals Hook????
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2012, 12:11:42 AM »
There are a few things to remember....
On every pattern they put out, if you play 15 at the arrows on the fresh and throw it to 5 it will flag the headpin unless your revrate is really this is nothing new.  The difference this year is more friction downlane, which is freaking everyone out.  I stick by my statements, but will add that bowlers like TWOHAND who can create lots of angle through the front and make their ball change direction will be able to play in faster, because of the increased friction.
I still think if you can keep your breakpoint in front of you, or pretty darn close, you can create a look between 5 and 10.  If you try to look 12 and throw it to 6, you'll have a pretty rough first game and see variations of the 2/10 on a regular basis.

Little known fact:  In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"


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Re: 2012 Nationals Hook????
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2012, 12:50:24 AM »

Russell wrote on 3/3/2012 11:11 PM:
There are a few things to remember....
On every pattern they put out, if you play 15 at the arrows on the fresh and throw it to 5 it will flag the headpin unless your revrate is really this is nothing new.  The difference this year is more friction downlane, which is freaking everyone out.  I stick by my statements, but will add that bowlers like TWOHAND who can create lots of angle through the front and make their ball change direction will be able to play in faster, because of the increased friction.
I still think if you can keep your breakpoint in front of you, or pretty darn close, you can create a look between 5 and 10.  If you try to look 12 and throw it to 6, you'll have a pretty rough first game and see variations of the 2/10 on a regular basis.

Little known fact:  In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"
I agree with your statement Russell. I think assymetrical balls probably would make you play more angle thru the front too quickly.  I see me starting with a modern marvel drill weakly to control downlane movement or use more surface. The main idea of using surface out of gate is to control down lane movement.

Pat Patterson

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Re: 2012 Nationals Hook????
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2012, 01:22:10 AM »
I'm gonna throw whatever I have at the 1-3 Pocket!

Pat Patterson
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Re: 2012 Nationals Hook????
« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2012, 06:39:12 PM »
My strategy for Baton Rouge this year: Don't go left of 10 board. 
The last thing I need is to think too much on what line I need to play and get confused or mad about how the lanes are playing. I'm hoping that one of the bowling alleys in my area will do something and try to put that shot out (or something very similar) for us to try. 


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Re: 2012 Nationals Hook????
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2012, 01:07:33 AM »
I bowled a tournament today on the pattern and crossed with a guy that just got back. It hooked alot down lane on the fresh and broke down very fast. I had to get the ball to 6-7 on the fresh or it had no chance of holding pocket. This was on a 1 year old anvilane install. The guy I crossed with said it was very close to what he saw.I have a 450 -500 rev rate and was playing between 5-6 arrow after 6 games with only 4 on a pair. had sucsess with my Hy-Road, Marvel Pearl and Victory Road all had 5 1/2 in layouts. I drilled an Outlaw with a 5 in pin in OOB surface and was not even close to being a choice, hooked as soon as it touched the lane. I am taking my tropical heat solid with a Girard- Boomer layout ( what ever your calling it these days ) as a serious choice on the fresh when I go in a few weeks.


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Re: 2012 Nationals Hook????
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2012, 09:08:09 AM »
I keep seeing people talking about Defiants, Nanos, Marvels, Modern Marvels......for most people this is the wrong end of the spectrum. You need to thinking about Tropical Breeze Solids or Tropical Heat solids....playing them straighter...up 4,5,6,7.....If play like Russel mentioned "keeping the target in front of you" you can build a little push/hold if you have people working together then shelling up a little to Vioctory Roads or Hy Roads....I dont see why anyone would even want to consider Defiants, Nanos, Marvels, Modern Marvels on this pattern unless you are putting the MB in the track to help compact the flaring and having a good polish on it.


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Re: 2012 Nationals Hook????
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2012, 10:27:36 AM »
From what I have seen, I am tending to agree with Russell here.


But I wanted to ask if anyone has tried playing the lanes like Mo Pinel mentioned in his podcast on Above180. Mo thought the shot should be way outside, going straight up around 2-3 board. I was thinking this might be a good strategy. While watching the Webcast on Thursday, I saw the RH's out at like 4-5 during practice and they seemed to have a good look, but when they started scoring they all jumped left and had trouble. Has anyone tried playing the lanes like Mo suggested? And if so, what did you see?




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Re: 2012 Nationals Hook????
« Reply #30 on: March 05, 2012, 10:46:47 AM »
Some of you guys need to knock it off with the Tropical Breeze type balls. For a large percentage of Bowlers that strategy will not play. On anything remotely flat, you have to be incredibly precise as these balls ”squirt” and ”jump” all over the place due to higher rg's, low diff, and not enough flare to control the midlane and backend. Anytime some of you guys see friction is plentiful its automatic weaker balls, foolish 2 inch pin to pap layouts and,many other the sky is falling tactics.

Use some surface, keep your target in front of you, close down your angles, and make your spares. Since its so flat in the middle, most people would be better served balling down and staying to the right as long as possible.

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