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Author Topic: 2013 Open Championships to feature different lane patterns for team, minors  (Read 7554 times)


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The 11th Frame: 2013 USBC Open Championships to feature different lane patterns for team, minors



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Re: 2013 Open Championships to feature different lane patterns for team, minors
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2012, 10:16:17 AM »
Won't be too long before we will all know the patterns. February will be here before we know it. Nice thing about being from the Dallas area is the ITRC is just across town. Txbowler and our teams made the drive last year to practice and will do so again this year. Did not end up an advantage in team event, but having seen the breakdown it did help in the minors. We had three of our ten bowlers in the top 80 in singles. The different patterns just means trips to practice as a team and different trips to practice for minors.

Since we could drive to Baton Rouge I did carry a lot of balls, but anyone that knows me is used to that. Once we were there I just didn't take pearls in for team event and swapped out the stronger stuff for minors. My hopes are I don't need any weaker equipment and the six I take to Reno can cover the conditions better. No matter the volume they will be fresh and seems pretty safe bet they won't be walled up and likely sport compliant.


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Re: 2013 Open Championships to feature different lane patterns for team, minors
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2012, 02:45:01 PM »
      There is a Samsung commercial on the air right now, 2 people playing games on their phones, the one complaining how the other's phone is bigger and how he likes to win.....and then the little old lady sitting next to him says "you like to whine!".  AmerEskie, you like to whine.
This change will not cause an increase in bowling balls needed to compete, if anything, the changes made for 2013 will reduce the number of balls needed. You know exactly what you will be starting with for Minors, something you had no clue on in the past. In the past you didn't know if Minors would be fresh, would be toast or somewhere in between, and that requires a larger cross-section of balls than knowing the fresh shot, even with it being different than the fresh Team shot. As I stated earlier, this shouldn't come as a surprise. It would have been a difficult task to break down the lanes with the lower number of bowlers in Minors vs. Team if the shots were the same. I believe we will see something with a little lower volume, maybe a foot or two shorter, but still sport compliant for the Minors shot. We will have to wait until February and see. But until then, please stop with the whining.