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Author Topic: 2016 OC Oil Patterns? EDIT: PATTERNS RELEASED!  (Read 20803 times)


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« on: February 05, 2016, 10:23:05 AM »
Anyone have some insider information when they will be announcing the patterns this year?

Last year if my research was correct it was March 4th they released the patterns.


« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 02:48:33 PM by themagician »
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Re: 2016 OC Oil Patterns?
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2016, 12:26:18 PM »
If the goal was truly to "level the playing field" as expressed by the USBC, then why didn't they shut down the showcase lanes and only allow entry into the Bowlers Journal Tournament after players have completed the Open Championship. Many of the top players prepare onsite with guys in the booths by practicing on the patterns and drilling balls to suit their strategy so how exactly does this rule change level the playing field? Well the reason is pretty clear...if they actually shut down the showcase and changed the rules for entering the BJ tournament it would take money out of their pocket and they can't have that. Good luck to the house bowlers in the top division next year competing against the best players in the world and their unlimited access to bowling balls and information from the guys working the tournament every day. So yeah...I would say this ruling was in the best interest of the USBC, not the members they supposedly serve.
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Re: 2016 OC Oil Patterns?
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2016, 02:25:51 PM »
... So yeah...I would say this ruling was in the best interest of the USBC, not the members they supposedly serve.

I dislike this decision a lot.  There are many bowlers I know that try to duplicate the shot and practice before going to Nationals.  But I can't see how the ruling was in the best interest of USBC.  What do they gain from this decision.  Perhaps there was grumblings about how releasing the shot took away from the integrity of Nationals.  I don't agree with that concept, but have heard some on this forum state as much.  And remember, USBC seems to do that which the loudest complainers scream about the most.


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Re: 2016 OC Oil Patterns?
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2016, 02:49:56 PM »
Mr. Murphy stated the decision to not release the pattern was done to "level the playing field" since not everyone has access to facilities capable of applying the pattern. Just trying to point out if that was the point of the rule change, they would have shut down the showcase lanes and forced participants to complete their Open Championships competition before competing in the BJ tournament. If the USBC were actually concerned about fairness for their members rather than generating revenue, maybe the playing field could have been a little more even since the first time anyone got to experience the pattern was when they compete in the tournament.
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Re: 2016 OC Oil Patterns?
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2016, 03:22:46 PM »
I'm actually all for it.  It puts the advantage back where it should be, to the guys that work the hardest.  There are 3 divisions now, not everyone is competing against the "pro amateurs" anymore so why the complaints?  I have NEVER heard anyone say, "oh yeah, I got the lane patterns and practiced on them for a couple months before I went and when I got down there, everything played exactly the same."  They don't even play the same from the BJ or Showcase lanes to the actual tournament lanes.  People who don't know what the shot is will take 6-8 balls and the guys who know will take 10, so I don't want to hear, "well I won't know what to take." 

What's been the goal for the patterns at the tournament?  To be tough but playable, and to be playable for as many styles, speeds, and rev rates as possible.  If you have that much of a problem with it, go a few days early and bowl the BJ a couple times and spend several hours watching.  The same stuff seems to work every single year.  I'll also have to check the rules, but I'm pretty sure you can move your feet and make other physical adjustments.  I'm also pretty sure you can practice and learn. 

Too many people think that releasing the patterns helps.  Guess what?  It doesn't.  When you show up without any preconceived ideas and just take what the lanes give you, you bowl better instead of going in with a "game plan" and then panicking when it's not working or when the "pattern isn't playing right."  How many GREAT teams and bowlers did we watch on the live streams that didn't do well at all despite knowing the pattern and practicing on it for months?  How did people ever have success before they started releasing the patterns?  Pretty sure participation was higher before too. 

Complaints about Reno.  Are you going for a vacation or to bowl?  Aside from maybe the new South Pointe facility, the NBS is pretty much the ultimate bowling destination.  If you're going for a vacation, why do you care how you bowl?  And if you're going to bowl, who cares if it's in Reno?  I spend all my time at the stadium anyway. 

You would also think people would be more happy.  Not releasing the patterns means all these big guns that spend a couple months at Kegel practicing on "the pattern" every year won't be able to do that anymore.  They'll have to do the same thing you do, practice and be prepared.  You also can't tell me there won't be plenty of information relayed back by people who are going early.  If you have a problem with "going in blind," don't go so early!  If you want to do better, practice!  Show up a few days early!  If that's not an option for you, don't begrudge the people who sacrifice and/or put in the work to make sure it's an option for them! 
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Re: 2016 OC Oil Patterns?
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2016, 03:30:37 PM »
I'm actually all for it.  It puts the advantage back where it should be, to the guys that work the hardest.  There are 3 divisions now, not everyone is competing against the "pro amateurs" anymore so why the complaints?  I have NEVER heard anyone say, "oh yeah, I got the lane patterns and practiced on them for a couple months before I went and when I got down there, everything played exactly the same."  They don't even play the same from the BJ or Showcase lanes to the actual tournament lanes.  People who don't know what the shot is will take 6-8 balls and the guys who know will take 10, so I don't want to hear, "well I won't know what to take." 

What's been the goal for the patterns at the tournament?  To be tough but playable, and to be playable for as many styles, speeds, and rev rates as possible.  If you have that much of a problem with it, go a few days early and bowl the BJ a couple times and spend several hours watching.  The same stuff seems to work every single year.  I'll also have to check the rules, but I'm pretty sure you can move your feet and make other physical adjustments.  I'm also pretty sure you can practice and learn. 

Too many people think that releasing the patterns helps.  Guess what?  It doesn't.  When you show up without any preconceived ideas and just take what the lanes give you, you bowl better instead of going in with a "game plan" and then panicking when it's not working or when the "pattern isn't playing right."  How many GREAT teams and bowlers did we watch on the live streams that didn't do well at all despite knowing the pattern and practicing on it for months?  How did people ever have success before they started releasing the patterns?  Pretty sure participation was higher before too. 

Complaints about Reno.  Are you going for a vacation or to bowl?  Aside from maybe the new South Pointe facility, the NBS is pretty much the ultimate bowling destination.  If you're going for a vacation, why do you care how you bowl?  And if you're going to bowl, who cares if it's in Reno?  I spend all my time at the stadium anyway. 

You would also think people would be more happy.  Not releasing the patterns means all these big guns that spend a couple months at Kegel practicing on "the pattern" every year won't be able to do that anymore.  They'll have to do the same thing you do, practice and be prepared.  You also can't tell me there won't be plenty of information relayed back by people who are going early.  If you have a problem with "going in blind," don't go so early!  If you want to do better, practice!  Show up a few days early!  If that's not an option for you, don't begrudge the people who sacrifice and/or put in the work to make sure it's an option for them! know you are being entirely too reasonable with this. We are bowlers, we bitch and complain and no matter how it's explained, we are going to bitch and complain about anything the USBC may try.

Because, you know, we are bowlers...  ;D
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Re: 2016 OC Oil Patterns?
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2016, 03:40:19 PM »
Here's the moral of the story......the patterns will be between 38 and 43 feet, flat and allow for multiple angles.  Throw an errant shot and expect a bad result. 

It will be a challenge but I wouldn't expect something extreme.  Everyone should know this and prepare accordingly.

I know that sounds simplistic, but I mean that's what it will likely be.


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Re: 2016 OC Oil Patterns?
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2016, 04:11:11 PM »
I'm all for keeping the pattern secret by shutting down all access to the pattern prior to competition if it's all about the integrity of the game. I just think it's a conflict of interest for the USBC apply the rule in a way that gives lip service to the spirit of the rule because they will make even more money from the showcase lanes and BJ entries.
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Re: 2016 OC Oil Patterns?
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2016, 06:07:35 PM »
Here's the moral of the story......the patterns will be between 38 and 43 feet, flat and allow for multiple angles.  Throw an errant shot and expect a bad result. 

It will be a challenge but I wouldn't expect something extreme.  Everyone should know this and prepare accordingly.

I know that sounds simplistic, but I mean that's what it will likely be.

+1 to that!!

You can practice on anything sport compliant and be ahead of the game.  As was stated earlier, you can never really duplicate everything to practice on and expect the exact same ball reaction, etc.  Just practice on something that forces you to be accurate. 

I am completely fine with them not releasing the pattern. 


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Re: 2016 OC Oil Patterns?
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2016, 11:52:20 PM »
I'm actually all for it.  It puts the advantage back where it should be, to the guys that work the hardest.  There are 3 divisions now, not everyone is competing against the "pro amateurs" anymore so why the complaints?  I have NEVER heard anyone say, "oh yeah, I got the lane patterns and practiced on them for a couple months before I went and when I got down there, everything played exactly the same."  They don't even play the same from the BJ or Showcase lanes to the actual tournament lanes.  People who don't know what the shot is will take 6-8 balls and the guys who know will take 10, so I don't want to hear, "well I won't know what to take." 

What's been the goal for the patterns at the tournament?  To be tough but playable, and to be playable for as many styles, speeds, and rev rates as possible.  If you have that much of a problem with it, go a few days early and bowl the BJ a couple times and spend several hours watching.  The same stuff seems to work every single year.  I'll also have to check the rules, but I'm pretty sure you can move your feet and make other physical adjustments.  I'm also pretty sure you can practice and learn. 

Too many people think that releasing the patterns helps.  Guess what?  It doesn't.  When you show up without any preconceived ideas and just take what the lanes give you, you bowl better instead of going in with a "game plan" and then panicking when it's not working or when the "pattern isn't playing right."  How many GREAT teams and bowlers did we watch on the live streams that didn't do well at all despite knowing the pattern and practicing on it for months?  How did people ever have success before they started releasing the patterns?  Pretty sure participation was higher before too. 

Complaints about Reno.  Are you going for a vacation or to bowl?  Aside from maybe the new South Pointe facility, the NBS is pretty much the ultimate bowling destination.  If you're going for a vacation, why do you care how you bowl?  And if you're going to bowl, who cares if it's in Reno?  I spend all my time at the stadium anyway. 

You would also think people would be more happy.  Not releasing the patterns means all these big guns that spend a couple months at Kegel practicing on "the pattern" every year won't be able to do that anymore.  They'll have to do the same thing you do, practice and be prepared.  You also can't tell me there won't be plenty of information relayed back by people who are going early.  If you have a problem with "going in blind," don't go so early!  If you want to do better, practice!  Show up a few days early!  If that's not an option for you, don't begrudge the people who sacrifice and/or put in the work to make sure it's an option for them! 

I dot disagree with you in general, but I do think you miss the point of moving the locations around. Coming from the other side of the country, getting out that way is expensive. It certainly limits the amount of balls we can take (10? Please. 6 is the absolute max unless we want to pay $100 for a second bag, but it's usually 5). But it also makes it difficult for bowling to be worthwhile financially. That's not all that important to me personally, I make enough and just enjoy the competition of bowling in general. But most are not like me and won't go unless they can reasonably expect to win some money back.

As for vacation, many are using their limited vacation time and limited available travel funds to go. Wanting to use that opportunity to see more than Reno and Vegas is understandable.


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Re: 2016 OC Oil Patterns?
« Reply #25 on: February 16, 2016, 07:43:59 AM »
I just enjoy the live streams watching some great bowlers do what they do best.  I have never had the chance to bowl nationals but really enjoy watching them.  maybe in Syracuse in a couple years.


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Re: 2016 OC Oil Patterns?
« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2016, 02:17:07 PM »
I will do what I usually do- ship 4 balls, one of them plastic, and hope I execute.

If I bring more than that, it gets too expensive (to ship via the USBC service) and I'll get confused by too many choices anyhow. Pin up, pin down, and a hook-in-the box will be my weapons of choice, like always.

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Re: 2016 OC Oil Patterns?
« Reply #27 on: February 16, 2016, 03:30:10 PM »
I will do what I usually do- ship 4 balls, one of them plastic, and hope I execute.

If I bring more than that, it gets too expensive (to ship via the USBC service) and I'll get confused by too many choices anyhow. Pin up, pin down, and a hook-in-the box will be my weapons of choice, like always.

I'm very similar to this.  I will for sure have my IQ Tour Pearl at 2000, my IQ Tour Fusion at 3000 with a big shine for getting left and hooking it (those are the balls I feel most confident with on demanding conditions)......and then another piece to give me a different look.  Probably my Eternal Cell as of now with a little surface so I have a solid with some diff.


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Re: 2016 OC Oil Patterns?
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2016, 06:35:38 PM »
As stated above-these patterns all have the same characteristics year in-year out
miss out and it stays out
miss in and there is no hold
keep your angles up front straight and control the breakpoint

much easier said than done, I practice on these patterns plenty
does it make it any easier, somewhat, I do know what to expect
executing is another thing to my standards


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Re: 2016 OC Oil Patterns?
« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2016, 07:03:34 PM »
Yeah I get that, but that's not generally the complaint.  I know it's halfway across the planet for the east coast, and maybe you hear it more because that's the more common gripe on your side of the country, but all I ever hear is people whining because Reno is "boring" and there's not much to do there. 

I'm actually all for it.  It puts the advantage back where it should be, to the guys that work the hardest.  There are 3 divisions now, not everyone is competing against the "pro amateurs" anymore so why the complaints?  I have NEVER heard anyone say, "oh yeah, I got the lane patterns and practiced on them for a couple months before I went and when I got down there, everything played exactly the same."  They don't even play the same from the BJ or Showcase lanes to the actual tournament lanes.  People who don't know what the shot is will take 6-8 balls and the guys who know will take 10, so I don't want to hear, "well I won't know what to take." 

What's been the goal for the patterns at the tournament?  To be tough but playable, and to be playable for as many styles, speeds, and rev rates as possible.  If you have that much of a problem with it, go a few days early and bowl the BJ a couple times and spend several hours watching.  The same stuff seems to work every single year.  I'll also have to check the rules, but I'm pretty sure you can move your feet and make other physical adjustments.  I'm also pretty sure you can practice and learn. 

Too many people think that releasing the patterns helps.  Guess what?  It doesn't.  When you show up without any preconceived ideas and just take what the lanes give you, you bowl better instead of going in with a "game plan" and then panicking when it's not working or when the "pattern isn't playing right."  How many GREAT teams and bowlers did we watch on the live streams that didn't do well at all despite knowing the pattern and practicing on it for months?  How did people ever have success before they started releasing the patterns?  Pretty sure participation was higher before too. 

Complaints about Reno.  Are you going for a vacation or to bowl?  Aside from maybe the new South Pointe facility, the NBS is pretty much the ultimate bowling destination.  If you're going for a vacation, why do you care how you bowl?  And if you're going to bowl, who cares if it's in Reno?  I spend all my time at the stadium anyway. 

You would also think people would be more happy.  Not releasing the patterns means all these big guns that spend a couple months at Kegel practicing on "the pattern" every year won't be able to do that anymore.  They'll have to do the same thing you do, practice and be prepared.  You also can't tell me there won't be plenty of information relayed back by people who are going early.  If you have a problem with "going in blind," don't go so early!  If you want to do better, practice!  Show up a few days early!  If that's not an option for you, don't begrudge the people who sacrifice and/or put in the work to make sure it's an option for them! 

I dot disagree with you in general, but I do think you miss the point of moving the locations around. Coming from the other side of the country, getting out that way is expensive. It certainly limits the amount of balls we can take (10? Please. 6 is the absolute max unless we want to pay $100 for a second bag, but it's usually 5). But it also makes it difficult for bowling to be worthwhile financially. That's not all that important to me personally, I make enough and just enjoy the competition of bowling in general. But most are not like me and won't go unless they can reasonably expect to win some money back.

As for vacation, many are using their limited vacation time and limited available travel funds to go. Wanting to use that opportunity to see more than Reno and Vegas is understandable.
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Re: 2016 OC Oil Patterns?
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2016, 02:47:45 PM »
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