Just got back from bowling out there.
Settee area is brutal for team, the furniture makes it really tight and a real pain for practice time for team event, and with how slow the racks are you are climbing over each over trying to get your practice shots in. That said there's a ton of space behind the seating and it's fine when you aren't pushing to practice.
Team event plays similar to last year, won't be surprised if 3500 hits this year, pattern felt similar to last year, start outside a bit and then move in faster than you think you'll need to, last game is wide open with cleaner shell balls in the middle of the lane. I found myself not moving, or only 2 and 1's when 5 and 2's were needed, definitely feels like fire oil used again.
Doubles and Singles is much harder this year, it's get able, but it's one of those medium-shorter patterns where there is an illusion of the gutter playing but it doesn't really, so developing a hook spot and moving in to it is how McNeil and Vermilya's groups attacked it and scored well. Balls that lock up and go forward downlane in Doubles and Singles are really needed on the fresh, pattern feels very flat. It'll breakdown pretty quick and develop, and by end of singles it'll be playing from pretty in for most people.
I bowled like a toe, behind the moves, way too many splits and missed a few makables so had a very forgettable 1703 all events. Found my Primal Shock fine on fresh, Black Venom really good in Doubles and Singles when they started to break down a bit, and both in team and doubles singles found myself in a Ripcord Launch because it was hard to get anything with any surface to the breakpoint with how fast the patterns broke down.
Bowlers Journal lanes hook a million, and gutter is in play a bit there, pros with urethane are probably going to crush it.