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2321 New all events leader!!!
« on: April 25, 2009, 04:22:14 PM »
Ron Vokes shoots 2321 all events!!! That is some insane bowling. I can't believe that he just shot the record. Just think in 23 years of him bowling nationals his career best was only 1926. He beat his high by almost 400 pins. He also shot 857 in singles!!!
Motiv Regional Staff
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Mouse's Bowling Garage



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Re: 2321 New all events leader!!!
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2009, 10:59:59 AM »
That is just phenomenal. Tough to wrap my mind around that---23** is just staggering. Fantastic bowling.

Riggs, can you give us an idea about his shot? Where he is most comfortable on the lanes? What style he throws? I'm curious more than anything else.

Chris Barnes is not a choker---he is just a great opponent to draw on TV.
Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328


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Re: 2321 New all events leader!!!
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2009, 11:15:44 AM »
Righty who is speed dominant. Has plenty of revs. Likes to really hit and loft it. Long ago he was famous for having a bunch of 299s before he finally got a 300.  A good player ... especially for 49 - I would not have guessed that he was older than me.  A very good guy who loves to laugh and have a good time more than a super serious bowler.


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Re: 2321 New all events leader!!!
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2009, 11:36:16 AM »
At least in Singles he used a Kinetic... I was also told by a guy in the booth that is my best friend that he had a chance to shoot 880 basically, he didn't strike out in the 10th frame. SICK

I will post here what I have posted in many other places as well. That would be my disgust with USBC. Please note before you read this I am not bashing or taking any credit away from Ron. Trust me anyone who is a bowler knows that this is a huge accomplishment, but please do not tell me it was simply because he threw it good. We all know that is BS..

This is beyond pathetic the fact that anyone can shoot 2300+ at USBC/ABC's most prestigious event. This is an event that use to require precious shot and decision making. Many years ago 1850 was considered a huge score and would get you a nice check. Now you shoot 1850 and your lucky got get back $50. It is bad enough that if you look at the singles standings, 750 might be 100th place by the end of the tournament. How bad is it when you have to average 250+ to be in the top 100!! The last few years of this tournament has become a total strike fest! The tournament here in Vegas is nothing short of that. Already 15 300s and we are not half way through the tournament. Almost had back to back days of 800s. Guy yesterday shot 300-789 in singles. This is just insane. Do you realize that if you want to win 2 different eagles you have to break or tie 2 different records. You have to at least tie the all time high of 858 to take over the singles lead and reset the all-events record to win that eagle. These scores are insane. Ron's previous high at nationals was roughly 1926 I believe, he beat that by 400 pins.. Really what is USBC doing to our sport. Let me tell you, running it straight into the ground. I know state and city tournaments that are bowled on house shots that the all events winner didn't even shoot 2250 and here at our premier event there is 2321 shot. Seriously there should never be a chance for anyone to EVER have the chance to shoot that much at this tournament.. Just pathetic of USBC to have this happen..
George Palumbo


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Re: 2321 New all events leader!!!
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2009, 11:50:59 AM »

My guess is your talking about Jay. I know Jay very well. I also know there is a video posted of Ron bowling Singles. I was told, now I have not seen this myself. But again my best friend who knows about bowling and is working in a booth there said the video tells it all. He was playing roughly 4th arrow or just inside. A few shots he tugged to 5th arrow and it was like a frozen rope to the pocket and carried. A few others shots he hit about 16 at the arrows and got it going right and it still came back and carried. Now I understand that you have to throw it decent. But you need just about everything to line up for you to shoot that big of a number. Espically on 3 different conditions for 3 different events.
George Palumbo


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Re: 2321 New all events leader!!!
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2009, 12:38:32 PM »
Much of this discussion would not be necessary if the USBC would do what is necessary to have all minor events on fresh.

I shot a 9-pin tap 900 with every ball in the pocket in singles and could easily have had an 800 - I had 743 with a solid 8, a solid 9 and two ring 10s on strikes. And trust me I was not splitting cracks - I had hold and swing. Swing created by the bowling before us and hold by the pattern and being able to use a weak enough ball to help create hold because the track was so dry the weaker ball was plenty to create hook in the track.

Keep in mind that what Ron shot is 98 more than second and more than 150 pins more than third in all-events.

Edited on 4/27/2009 12:39 PM


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Re: 2321 New all events leader!!!
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2009, 12:40:26 PM »
George, I understand where you are coming from.  But from someone who has set up tournament shots before, you never know what to expect.  USBC may have done everything they could to make this year's shot as challenging as any other without simply copying last year's shot.  But once the shot is laid out, you cannot change it.  You cannot anticipate completely the way a shot will break down or how it will play out over time.  This year's shot seems to have ended up easier than expected, but don't downplay the score.  No one is saying how easy the shot was when previous records were shot.  They had to be "hard" because that is the history of the event.  

Also, the way people prepare for nationals has changed drastically.  People bowl leagues with the USBC shot.  They have team practice sessions learning how to shape shots as a team.  People are developing arsenals that are more specific for what they expect to encounter.  Today's bowler is not the same as the bowler from 20 years ago, but he/she is still a good bowler.  I respect your opinion, but I feel you are being a little harsh on USBC.  Now, this may be one of the few things I will back-up USBC on.
I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on


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Re: 2321 New all events leader!!!
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2009, 12:46:41 PM »
30 strikes in a row?!?!  Most I've had on THS conditions is 18.  Most 9 pin no-tap is 32.
WOW, I guess i'll never be a good bowler. I should just give up now. lol

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Re: 2321 New all events leader!!!
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2009, 01:21:37 PM »
The 9:20am squad is hardly broken down, but I agree that it would be nice to have fresh oil on every squad. That way everyone would have an even playing field.

I was 38 lanes away from Mr. Vokes, so our lane monitor was keeping us abreast of the situation, and the word was that he DID have a rather large area to play with. I (apparently) was playing the wrong part of the lane, because I had to be very accurate. Any small error produced huge mistakes down lane. I liked the look I had, but did have 4 pocket 7-10 splits as well as the usual washouts due to slight misses. Congrats to Mr. Vokes for taking what was there on the lanes.

By the way, I don't profess to being a great bowler, but I learn a little more each time I bowl Nationals.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.

Edited on 4/27/2009 1:22 PM


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Re: 2321 New all events leader!!!
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2009, 02:36:18 PM »
The Secret Wisconsin Shot remains even with the USBC abandoning Cheeseland for Texas.

As a Texas bowler, I hope it doesn't take long for a secret Texas shot to be developed.



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Re: 2321 New all events leader!!!
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2009, 02:50:52 PM »
At least in Singles he used a Kinetic... I was also told by a guy in the booth that is my best friend that he had a chance to shoot 880 basically, he didn't strike out in the 10th frame. SICK

I will post here what I have posted in many other places as well. That would be my disgust with USBC. Please note before you read this I am not bashing or taking any credit away from Ron. Trust me anyone who is a bowler knows that this is a huge accomplishment, but please do not tell me it was simply because he threw it good. We all know that is BS..

This is beyond pathetic the fact that anyone can shoot 2300+ at USBC/ABC's most prestigious event. This is an event that use to require precious shot and decision making. Many years ago 1850 was considered a huge score and would get you a nice check. Now you shoot 1850 and your lucky got get back $50. It is bad enough that if you look at the singles standings, 750 might be 100th place by the end of the tournament. How bad is it when you have to average 250+ to be in the top 100!! The last few years of this tournament has become a total strike fest! The tournament here in Vegas is nothing short of that. Already 15 300s and we are not half way through the tournament. Almost had back to back days of 800s. Guy yesterday shot 300-789 in singles. This is just insane. Do you realize that if you want to win 2 different eagles you have to break or tie 2 different records. You have to at least tie the all time high of 858 to take over the singles lead and reset the all-events record to win that eagle. These scores are insane. Ron's previous high at nationals was roughly 1926 I believe, he beat that by 400 pins.. Really what is USBC doing to our sport. Let me tell you, running it straight into the ground. I know state and city tournaments that are bowled on house shots that the all events winner didn't even shoot 2250 and here at our premier event there is 2321 shot. Seriously there should never be a chance for anyone to EVER have the chance to shoot that much at this tournament.. Just pathetic of USBC to have this happen..
George Palumbo

     I understand your complaint, but I think it is misplaced. For the first 1/4 of the tournament, all we heard was how much harder the shot was from last year. Now because some of the people, who are very very good bowlers in their own right, come out with some larges scores, it is a problem. No one was complaining when 2200 was broken. No one was complaining when the other 800's were shot in Singles. This guy is a very good bowler, found a match-up that worked and that gave him a little room. Isn't that what we all try for? And regardless of the fact that he tugged a few, or let a few out, he still carried for 30 straight balls. He did what he needed to do on the shot provided. This isn't the USBC's fault, or it is there doing. Sometimes the bowling gods smile on us and we do not know the reason why. This was Ron Vokes "Day" or days and blaming the USBC is just wrong in this case, IMHO.



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Re: 2321 New all events leader!!!
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2009, 03:49:22 PM »
If the shot is so much easier this year, then why are the low-to-cash scores lower this year than in previous? Is it just beacuse so many new entries that have never been subjected to the USBC pattern, or is it just luck of the draw in what you get.
Me stupid. Me believe anything. Please tell me what to do.


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Re: 2321 New all events leader!!!
« Reply #27 on: April 27, 2009, 04:12:28 PM »
Amazing shooting from Ron.  IF he was indeed playing 4th arrow I remember when we did the Jasnau clinic.  He flat out said there was one hell of a shot there.  But it doesn't hold up for three TEAM.  You can get two out of it but good luck the third making it work we wher told.  Seems that has been proven by more than one post on here. Since Ron bowled at 9:20 or what ever that second shift of minors is He may have been on a fairly fresh pattern and IF the other guys on his pair as well as his flip fair were not all playing that area it's very likely to hold up.  We've seen before guys in dead stroke light them up.  JJ a few years ago.  Satan a little later but not as big of a number as he could of put up.  These are crazy scores for ANY condition.  Riggs has a good point about fresh for everything but I have as have others bowled that 7:00 AM squad and out of the gate the shot doesn't seem to play near how it did the night before in team.  It will drop the scores in Minors. But, I think IF a guy gets hooked up in team and does hook a similar look in minors you are still going to have some big digits to look at and talk about here.  Plus the transition woun't be as quick in minors with less lineage.  It's a double edge sword to say the least.



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Re: 2321 New all events leader!!!
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2009, 08:07:57 PM »
What I posted on the main PBA board on this topic:

This year's scores need to be kept in perspective. There have been a handful of very high scores but overall the scoring pace is not historically high. 1,474 leading doubles actually is somewhat low by standards of recent years. There are only two 800s in singles and I believe only one in doubles and none in team.

Third place in all-events is 2,168 - not high at all, and 2,223 in second is not that high and it was done by one of the greatest bowlers I've ever seen who didn't bowl full-time on Tour.

There are three 3,400s in team but when you look at what is 10th or 20th or whatever you pick out it is not really high. With higher volume of oil, good teams who work together have more of an opportunity to shoot a high score. Same thing can be said about team all-events, with caveat being that both of our teams who got 10,300 had right people in front of us in minors.

In one of my blogs I did a comparison of the scores down to 10th at the time we bowled and it was amazingly close over the last few years.

I know Ron Vokes and he is the type of bowler who when is on can strike a TON. And he is a fun-loving, easy-going guy who isn't AFRAID to strike a lot, which is a huge key.

He had an amazing tournament that is almost incomprehensible. Congrats are what he deserves.

It does not mean the sky is falling.


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Re: 2321 New all events leader!!!
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2009, 11:23:09 PM »
Ok Riggs, lets forget about the integrity of the game. You are right I did say it was great shooting and I take nothing from him. I blame USBC.

Spmc, they do extensive testing ( or so they claim to do ) so that the shot is fair for everyone and holds up for all 9 games. So please don't tell me about how sometimes you can't predict how the shot breaks down. Because every year it happens that someone gets the benefit of the people before them breaking the lanes down perfect. AKA Ron Vokes.

I really want to know who thinks these lanes are tough. They really aren't dead easy, but they aren't brutally tough either.

Compare here:
300s (31)
299s (11)
298s (2)
800s (2)

2009 so far not even HALF way through-
300s (17)
299s (7)
298s (0)
800s (3)

So they are on pace to beat the numbers from last year. Only proving that they aren't tougher this year!
George Palumbo


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Re: 2321 New all events leader!!!
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2009, 11:43:03 PM »
can someone confirm this is him: