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Author Topic: ? about divisions  (Read 1024 times)


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? about divisions
« on: February 15, 2011, 12:53:33 AM »
   I see there are 2 divisions - Regular (avg 181 and higher), and Classified (avg 180 or lower).  How does this work with the team competition?  Do you need to field a team in which all bowlers are in the same class?
Same question with the doubles event - can you have a 160 avg bowler teamed up with a 210 avg bowler?



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Re: ? about divisions
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2011, 01:37:39 PM »
To field a classified team, the team average must be at or below 900. Now that could be 4 guys at 200 and one person at 100 or it could be 5 guys at 180 or anything in between. Doubles works the same way as the team average is either over 360 (Regular) or 360 or under (Classified). A bowler may be regualr for Singles and Doubles, but Classified for team, or the other way around. It is all based on total averages.

