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Author Topic: ABC shot setup elsewhere in BR?  (Read 2440 times)


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ABC shot setup elsewhere in BR?
« on: January 29, 2005, 04:41:26 AM »
I've heard rumors that there may be a reputable chance of practicing on the ABC shot somehere locally when in Baton Rouge....

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Edited on 1/29/2005 8:50 PM



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Re: ABC shot setup elsewhere in BR?
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2005, 01:20:22 PM »

I just don't see why a bowler lacking the ability to realize the condition he/she is on is not the same as back home and not adjust would seek it out to practice in the first place.I assume anyone that dedicated has the skills needed to adapt.

You'd really think so, but I've seen it EVERY year.

And I'm agreeing, saying that practicing on the shot before hand will give you the idea, but it won't duplicate what you will face, which is the trap a lot of guys fall in to.

Good luck and High scores to all.
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Bill Thomas

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Re: ABC shot setup elsewhere in BR?
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2005, 02:09:37 PM »
At Greenway Bowl in Odenton,MD, we ran the 2004 ABC Tournament shot every other week in our summer league and found that, eventhough we couldn't match the topography, of the National Bowling Stadium the oil pattern played very much like Reno.  BTW, on alternate weeks we used a sport pattern from the Intercollegiate Bowling Championships and most of our bowlers found it much tougher than the ABC pattern.  If we can get the 2005 ABC pattern, we plan to make it available at certains times for local Maryland bowlers to practice on before they head off to Baton Rouge.  When these plans firm up, I'll come back on here and provide details.