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Author Topic: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships  (Read 9280 times)



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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2010, 05:41:09 PM »
*thumbs up*
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. BrunsNick
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-10
Best in the business.
Nick Smith
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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2010, 06:09:20 PM »
Like most ball parks, they'll make more money for the sale of beer than they will make for the whole freaking tournament. No more budget deficit, but many more fights.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2010, 06:14:16 PM »
dont see why its a horrible idea...90% of the people that go to nationals arent interested in winning the eagles (or know they are not going to win them)..they go for the experience, the vacation, etc..


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2010, 06:14:25 PM »
I read Jeff's article and being an older guy,I feel if they want to get more bowlers and raise funds, then let the USBC make this tournament more appealing to the general bowler by making it cheaper to bowl in. With air and rooms, plus tournament fees being so expensive, how can selling a few beers raise the funds they say they need?

Next it will be hats and shorts.........



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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2010, 06:17:20 PM »
Just makes it easier for me since I dont drink while I bowl
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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2010, 06:18:50 PM »
plus tournament fees being so expensive

not to start a rant but the tourney fees arent very expensive..what is it $105 for the 3 events plus all events entry??

alot if not most leagues (in my area) are $25 +/- a night for league play.


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2010, 07:12:29 PM »
In my opinion,it is that you lump everyone with an average above 18? in the same pool competing for the same lump of prize money. How is that make for a fair tourney? That puts a 190 avg house bowler competeing against all the regional and touring pros as well as all the other high roller bowlers etc in the whole US. Now you are letting all the top women in the mix and there is no way that your avg Joe can compete and share in any of the winnings unless he happens to match up quite well with the patterns that are put out.That in a way makes it even worse because the avg housr bowler has not had a chance to play or practice on the tougher conditions. All avg Joe does is donate money to the prize fund and help the economy of whatever town is chosen to host the tourney. I used to LOVE bowling in Reno but it is the hardest and most expensive venue for most of the bowlers in the US. It cost me a little over $200. to fly from LR Ar last yr and will be close to $350. to Reno and they just aren't that far apart. I'll get off my soapbox now. Mike Gault


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2010, 07:40:21 PM »
Awesome, I tend to bowl better with a few beers in me.


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2010, 08:10:50 PM »
When did they start letting touring pros bowl?

In my opinion,it is that you lump everyone with an average above 18? in the same pool competing for the same lump of prize money. How is that make for a fair tourney? That puts a 190 avg house bowler competeing against all the regional and touring pros as well as all the other high roller bowlers etc in the whole US. Now you are letting all the top women in the mix and there is no way that your avg Joe can compete and share in any of the winnings unless he happens to match up quite well with the patterns that are put out.That in a way makes it even worse because the avg housr bowler has not had a chance to play or practice on the tougher conditions. All avg Joe does is donate money to the prize fund and help the economy of whatever town is chosen to host the tourney. I used to LOVE bowling in Reno but it is the hardest and most expensive venue for most of the bowlers in the US. It cost me a little over $200. to fly from LR Ar last yr and will be close to $350. to Reno and they just aren't that far apart. I'll get off my soapbox now. Mike Gault


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2010, 09:13:14 PM »
When did they start letting touring pros bowl?

They can't

All USBC members are eligible to compete in the Tournament except as
a. Any USBC member who was classified as an “EXEMPT PLAYER”
on the PBA Tour in the previous calendar year (January 1 –
December 31, 2009) is INELIGIBLE to bowl in any of the Regular
or Classified Division events.
b. Any USBC member who was classified as an “EXEMPT PLAYER”
on the PBA Tour in the current calendar year (January 1, 2010
through participation date) is INELIGIBLE to bowl in any of the
Regular or Classified Division events.
c. Others who are identified as professionals or who apply for
membership in any professional organization during the calendar
year (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2009) preceding the event and up through
their dates of competition shall be ELIGIBLE to bowl in the regular
division events (NOT THE CLASSIFIED DIVISION) as follows:
1) Not more than TWO such players in a five-player TEAM line-up.
2) Not more than ONE such player in a two-player DOUBLES lineup.
3) Each such player shall be eligible to enter SINGLES & ALL-EVENTS.
It IS next year!


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2010, 09:19:50 PM »
I think this is a poor decision.  All the bowlers that complain, you get 3 hours for team, and 2 hours 20 minutes for D/S...if you can''t last that long without a drink, maybe you should check out AA.  

I don''t understand why you can''t have camaraderie with your team mates without having a drink.  There''s plenty of time to have a beer or 12 after bowling is done.  I feel this is the same as the dress code issue.  It started as slacks and a collared shirt.  Bowlers complain, now they can wear jeans.  If we can wear jeans, why not shorts?  Why not ripped t-shirts?  After all, it''s just "bowling."  

Hey, now that we can drink, why can''t we eat?  What''s the difference?

Part of why entries are down is the economy sucks, lots of people are out of work.  So what happens in a couple years once the economy has fully recovered?  Once you open the box, you can''t fit everything back in.
It IS next year!

Edited on 2/17/2010 10:20 PM


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2010, 10:05:10 PM »
bad decision. you should be able to bowl without alcohol, pagers, cell phones, bluetooth, etc. heaven forbid you can't use these precious items for several hours.


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2010, 10:11:51 PM »
Since the entries are down about 1,000 how can USBC make money? They just laid off 20 employees. So you, sell beers at $3.50 - $4.00 a pop.  They changed the rule to raise $$$ simple as that.  Anyone that says otherwise has their head stuck in the sand.

On the other hand only say 150 teams out of the 14,000 really have a chance at winning the whatever.


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2010, 10:17:34 PM »
I think Its a great idea, Why should you not be allowed to drink just cause your bowling at the Nationals?
high score: 300 (1/10/07 Tropical Storm)
My Arsenal
Storm 2nd D pin over ring finger
Columbia300 Perfect Rival pin above the bridge
Storm Rapid Fire Pearl Pin above ring finger
Columbia Messenger Low RG stacked label
Brunswick Inferno Pin above Bridge
1 tropical storm pin down below the bridge