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Author Topic: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships  (Read 9279 times)



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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2010, 10:39:36 PM »
I think Its a great idea, Why should you not be allowed to drink just cause your bowling at the Nationals?
high score: 300 (1/10/07 Tropical Storm)
My Arsenal
Storm 2nd D pin over ring finger
Columbia300 Perfect Rival pin above the bridge
Storm Rapid Fire Pearl Pin above ring finger
Columbia Messenger Low RG stacked label
Brunswick Inferno Pin above Bridge
1 tropical storm pin down below the bridge

I guess it comes down to what you want your tournament considered to be. I drink, but if you want this thing to be your national championship then it has to have an aura about it that doesn't exist anywhere else. You shouldn't be able to turn Nationals into an overgrown state tournament or weekend high-roller. Hell, state championship tournaments should be off-limits to booze when you get down to it.

I don't have a problem with alcohol, I just have a problem with bowling trying to make an argument for sporting legitimacy on one hand, then making a decision like this on the other. It's incongruent.

And it is truly all about the money. I think it's a little telling that you can't use USBC-approved ball cleaners during competition because "it's the Nationals," but you can have a highball or two while bowling and everyone's OK with that. This decision knocks a little of the shine off the tournament, IMO.



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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2010, 10:47:03 PM »
Your national championship is the US OPEN

Unless you want this to be the national league bowlers championship

As long as squads get done on time, and there are no fights due to alcohol abuse, this doesnt really effect or matter to the tournament

Women bowl, mixed teams bowl, little old lady teams, teams of under 100 average bowlers.

The prestige factor of this tournament was gone a long time ago.  The past is over.  Its not about putting the best team from your town together and bowling, like our fathers did.

OK, then ditch the scale room altogether, get rid of the dress codes, let people sand the ball in the pits if they so choose, slather E-Z-Slide all over their shoes, we'll run a 50/50 raffle for the youth bowlers and draw tickets for Strike-It-Rich and when someone rolls 279 or up, we'll get Mrs. Maudine at the counter to call out the score and we'll all clap like toy monkeys.

Either get serious about this s**t or don't. We're stuck in a big middle right now.



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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2010, 10:49:51 PM »
And everybody is bowling scratch that is the difference except the classified div. team cap.

Heck we''ll have people bowling in denim torn pants, bowling in shorts and baseball caps,  let''s dumb it down to the hdcp. flingers.  Let''s bowl it on a walled up shot.  That way everybody has a chance. Sad say in bowling but again the USBC is all about making money.  Anybody think the USBC is in trouble? lol

Lay off 10% of their employees after making a dumbass move to TX.

Edited on 2/17/2010 11:50 PM


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2010, 04:59:45 AM »
one year our association moved the starting time of a squad to 11am because the house refused to serve alcohol at 9am......this is a bad direction of where bowling, and society, is heading.


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2010, 05:36:20 AM »
I think the key for me was that they are allowing any type of drinks.  I dont care about the alcohol but having a bottle of Pepsi while I bowl is a very welcome addition for me.  A couple of sips of water every couple of frames was never a "key to success" for me.  I need the extra sugar and caffeine I can get from a soda during the minors.  Drunks are drunks and if you can handle them while bowling league whats the difference.  As long as the USBC officials keep the pace up I think this is a good thing.


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2010, 08:05:47 AM »
So I ask yet again, can USBC really be both a membership organization AND the National Governing Body?

As a membership organization, USBC is bleeding members and losing revenue.  So from a financial aspect, assuming that USBC is going to reap the rewards of this decision, in the short term, I don't have a problem with the decision.  But what are the ramifications?  Will less teams decide to bowl the event because of these changes, consequently costing additional revenue rather than increasing it?  This looks like a short term solution to a long term problem...and not one that was well thought out either.  Of course, if USBC is NOT getting any additional revenue from this, then the decision is reprehensible.

As a NGB, this is absolutely the WORST decision USBC has EVER made (since USBC hasn't taken an official position on the lane dressing issue, I'll leave that WORST decision in the hands of ABC/WIBC...for now).  How is this decision going to help keep/restore the integrity of the game?  How can participants being able to consume alcohol while competing help elevate the SPORT?  I mean, what happens if someone takes the lead in one of the events then, during the subsequent interview, praises the decision saying "I've never really done that well [in the tournament] before, but thanks to the recent change allowing me to drink...well, it was just like a league night at home, and I lit it up!"

USBC is trying to be both membership organization and NGB.  I think it is becoming quite clear that they CANNOT do both.  Perhaps USBC is trying to screw up so bad that BPAA will take over as the membership organization, leaving USBC to be the NGB.  Of course, that may actually make some that cannot be what is happening.


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2010, 08:12:11 AM »
USBC at it again.. Gotta love it, why not drive our most prestigious tournament straight into the ground!! And we wonder why bowling is hurting so much, BECAUSE USBC wants to make an extra buck by selling alcohol during our events!!


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #23 on: February 18, 2010, 08:43:02 AM »
Honestly guys, whats the big deal? So the USBC wants to make a few bucks...big deal. Its not like guys that are bowling nationals are gonna have enough time to even get fully blitzed with all the officials trying to keep pace up. Besides, I am sure it is going to be monitored anyway. Welcome to 2010!!! This isnt your granddaddy's tournament anymore! This is the new era! Get used to it! I personally have no problem with it. I like to have a couple of cold beverages while bowling....How many of you consume alcohol while on vacation....I would bet to say the majority of you and they few that dont, tough crap! This is a vacation for some...I personally have never been there! I would love to go, but i cant justify spending that kind of money for a lousey tournament that I cant win anyway!
Mr. Natty Boh
Natty Boh Bowling Team


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #24 on: February 18, 2010, 08:48:43 AM »
The best news about this is you cant run to the bar to grab a few beers during bowling.  A waitress will be the one running and I can guarantee that it wont be a quick trip.  I bet you wont get more than 1 beer a game.


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2010, 08:53:53 AM »
+1 phoneman, thats kinda what I was trying to hint at. They are not going to allow people to get snookered on the lanes. But whose to say no one drinks before they go on the lanes? So whats the difference if people drink before they bowl or say, "hey, i can get beer on the lanes, so why even bother drink before bowling?" Some of you guys need a reality check on here. Most people that I have seen bowling in league are social drinkers.....its the guys that think they are pro's and have huge ego's that have a problem with booze....cut the crap fellas!
Mr. Natty Boh
Natty Boh Bowling Team


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #26 on: February 18, 2010, 09:08:01 AM »
USBC is a joke, anyway you look at it.

I think that ( and this is just my opinion) they lost all credibility when they left Wisconsin and moved to Texas ( now they have a building in Wisconsin that was worth millions of dollars and now will be lucky to salvage a couple million form it)
What have we as bowlers, which have funded USBC all these years, really get for our dollar. A chance to fund Team USA, allow for testing and training on the most highest level. Be told that " Oh you didn't recieve your USBC card this year, well you card download it from"
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #27 on: February 18, 2010, 09:12:55 AM »
+1 dale!
Mr. Natty Boh
Natty Boh Bowling Team


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #28 on: February 18, 2010, 09:24:18 AM »
The best news about this is you cant run to the bar to grab a few beers during bowling.  A waitress will be the one running and I can guarantee that it wont be a quick trip.  I bet you wont get more than 1 beer a game.

I can't find the actual release, so I don't know all the facts...but will the waitress and ONLY the waitress be allowed to bring drinks out to the lanes?  

We have a diabetic on our squad, a couple years ago during bowling he felt his sugar begin to drop.  He got my mom to run out to the concession area to buy him a candy bar.  So what's to stop wives/gf's/other spectators from going to get everyone drinks?
It IS next year!


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #29 on: February 18, 2010, 09:30:09 AM »
Dan technically without permission from the lane monitoring people that should not have been allowed to happen.  if there is a medical need for this it has to be brought to the attention of the lane monitors.  One year in Reno I tried to take a drink of my wife's soda and was scolded heavily by the lane monitor.  just like needing to run to the bathroom you need to let the lane monitor know ahead of time.  It is all about controls and trying to make everyone a little happier.


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Re: Alcohol to be allowed at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2010, 09:37:18 AM »
Dan technically without permission from the lane monitoring people that should not have been allowed to happen.  if there is a medical need for this it has to be brought to the attention of the lane monitors.  One year in Reno I tried to take a drink of my wife's soda and was scolded heavily by the lane monitor.  just like needing to run to the bathroom you need to let the lane monitor know ahead of time.  It is all about controls and trying to make everyone a little happier.

He got permission.  He called my mom over as he found a lane monitor, told him the situation, and in front of the lane monitor asked my mom to run to the concession area.  

I'm just raising the point that in the past, unless you had a medical issue (like our diabetic) there was no food or drinking allowed of any kind.  Now that they are allowing drinking, are they going to be strict about who goes to get the drinks?  I don't know, that's why I'm asking.  If it's like you say and only the waitresses can bring drinks, then it won't be so bad because you might be able to get 2 beers.  But if anyone can bring the bowlers drinks, I can see some teams turning it into an average nite in a beer league.
It IS next year!