They do allow you to have a beverage down there if it is an emergency. One year I was fairly sick and they allowed me to have a 7up up against the railing. Also you can go to the restroom, just ask first.
NOW on to the reason this is bad!!
Not sure how old most people are that are posting on here but, I know I have heard since day one of bowling about how bowlers were known as fat slobs who only drank beer and ate snack bar food! How bowlers are were looked down upon because they didn''t work out or do anything to keep themselves in shape. I actually thought we were working in the right direction with this issue of getting bowlers better known and getting rid of the stereotype we had!
SO what does the USBC do, goes ahead and makes it even easier at our biggest tournament to make us look bad!! Why don''t we just set up portable hot dog and beer carts behind every couple pairs too?! Want a pretzel, sure no problem! How about a 20 oz bud light to go with it. Seriously can bowlers really not wait a few hours to finish bowling a squad to have a cocktail?! I am definitely one of those that understands you are there for a vacation as well! But seriously a few hours for the team event, you can''t put down the beer?!
Hmm.. And people wonder why bowling is losing memberships and falling off the map! Is this like well we can''t get into the Olympics, so screw it lets give in and let anything go?! More like USBC screwed up and they won''t come out and say it!! They have gone on nothing but a huge spending spree the last few years by moving down to Texas and now guess what they are laying off employees because they don''t have the money! Whose fault is that?! OHHHH so here is a brilliant idea lets make money by selling alcohol during the USBC Championships.
Roughly 7 Squads a day x I believe 145 days roughly = 1000+ squads. Let''s just say as probably a huge low ball they make $400 profit in alcohol a day. That is $400,000!!! And I am pretty sure it will be more like $750,000 - $1 Million. Ohhh and let me guess next year they also want to increase our dues too right?!
Edited on 2/18/2010 1:18 PM