I am not trying to deny anything. It is exactly about trying to make the shot better for the team to score better. My point has always been that this is about the TEAM, not 1 individual bowler. You have to do what's best for the team to put up the best score possible. I'll pose the same thing to you I do to bowling 300 900, who never answers any questions: do you purposely play the lanes (whether THS or Sport Pattern) differently then the pattern dictates? Would you play 20-15 on Cheetah or would you play outside like it is meant to play? If you play outside, why do you do that? Because it give you the best chance to put up the best score possible. Thisis the same thing, only in this case it isn't just you, it's about everyone doing that. And the way to do that is to systematically break down the lane in order to make it easier to score better. You still have to make the shots, you still have to hit your target time after time...this isn't diminishing the skill it takes or the shot-making. Everyone, at least everyone that I have ever known, who bowls trys to find the spot on the lane that allows them to miss right a little, and miss left a little and still strike. On THS, that little could be 5 boards each way. On a Sport Pattern, it may only be 1 board. But you look for that area. With the volume of oil at Nationals, the pattern will change drastically from the first shot throw to the last (at least in the past), and you can have that change happen at random, by having people play all over the lanes, and turn the shot into something unscorable by even the best bowlers (and if you think I am making this up, look through Riggs blog where he discusses the Minors events some years after following teams that didn't have a plan, it is also one of the reasons they went to fresh oil for Minors this year), or you can have that happen in a known pattern that allows you to score your best. Why would you choose the first one?
As far as defenders, there have been some in this topic, who probably left after 3 pages of this. I am stubborn though so I am still here

. Also, the defense is in the proof. Look at the teams that score well, that make the top 10 and look at their interviews on They all talk about "following the plan". Now, granted, these are incredible bowlers, much better then I am. But if these great bowlers think this is the best way to score the best here, why would I or anyone else think they are wrong. Look at it this way, if bowlers who can split boards, the ones who wouldn't need to make the shot like a THS to score well, think this is best way to do it, why is it wrong?
And I do think I am usually a nice guy. I think you are probably as well. We are both passionate about our sport but see this one item differently. That is what makes this sport and this country so great.
And Bowling 300 900, the inherent flaw in your logic is that Ray Bluth would be smart enough to know to stick with the team plan and wouldn't move inside. So this is an epic fail. As I mentioned above, some of the best bowlers in the country who bowl in this tournament think following a plan is the way to get the best scores, so why would another set of great bowlers (if they were here) do something different? Now Weber, Bluth and those guys may not play the same area as some of today's bowlers, but they would work together. They did so when they bowled in the past. Some of that was dictated by the lanes, the oil (shellac), and the equipment. And remember, that in the past, the equipment dis alter the oil as quickly or as greatly as it does today. But the real question is are you going to answer any of the questions directed at you?