You're pretty spot on...we bowled opening squad, and even though I threw it horrible the pattern played similar to last year as far as angles, but just more hook downlane. Odd enough though our lanes for s/d played MUCH tighter downlane, and the people in front of us appeared to be playing them relatively correct.
I don't know if something possibly happened to the machine in our area on Sunday...but one of our doubles groups bowled on a fresh pair at 5:30pm. One guy that shot 670 in team using a Reign playing 20-8 and moving left the whole time was throwing a Reign of Fire pretty much dead up 8 the whole block. It was kind of odd that the backends were so tight.
Could have been an anomoly our team event was exactly as advertised.
Little known fact: In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"