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Author Topic: Another ball Selection question?  (Read 1695 times)


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Another ball Selection question?
« on: April 14, 2007, 04:24:30 AM »
My main question to those who have already been this year is? How many of you needed to throw a ball with lots of surface to get the ball to move and hit. Like 320 or 500 or what? I have had some telling me i need to take at least 2 of my four balls with lots of surface. This is my plan as it stands.

Special Agent 1000
Super Carbide Bomb 800
Screamin Banshee Factory (10:30 leverage)
Carbide/C pin below at 320 surface

Any suggestions?

I throw it with average hand and approx 17 mph.

There's always' hope as long as there is one more ball in the bag!



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Re: Another ball Selection question?
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2007, 01:47:40 PM »
Anyone have an opinion on this?

There's always' hope as long as there is one more ball in the bag!

D Scott Johnson

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Re: Another ball Selection question?
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2007, 02:18:55 PM »
I would certainly recommend having a couple of balls with some surface on them for Reno.  Here is what I took:

Fury -- 600 dull
Black Widow  --  800 dull
Red Zone --  oob
Alien --  polished 1000
Punisher  --  polished 1500

Never needed the Red Zone, Alien, or Punisher as none of them would move at all.  Although, I did use the Red Zone at the Bowling This Month and got a good reaction.  Could have saved the shipping with the Alien and Punisher though.

Knowing what I know now, I would have taken another dulled, agressive ball with the pin under the ring and cg kicked out 45 degrees to have helped get the ball moving in the team event.

Used the Fury and Black Widow at the BJ and in singles/doubles at the USBC.

Hope this helps.  Scott


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Re: Another ball Selection question?
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2007, 02:35:37 PM »
My specs are probably close to yours but my ball speed is a little higher - 17-18mph. I only needed to use my Special Agent OOB(2000 grit) and a Spit Fire with the OOB(1500 grit) finish too. I threw an El-Nino X-It for 1 frame and put it back in the bag in favor of my Spit Fire after the SA was too much in D/S.

The back ends seemed really clean to me so once the balls got to the end of the pattern at 41' they had no problem getting a reaction on the backend. Just don't expect to have too much free swing room. While there was a good back end reaction they still played fairly tight and you have to be accurate.

Hope this helps you out. Good luck at Nationals!


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Re: Another ball Selection question?
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2007, 02:58:28 PM »
Thanks guys! Thats good info. Any others please chime in. I took my agent down to 1000. Hopefully that will work.

Did anyone try the old nationals standby shot? Get in deep and fluff it to the bump with something that finishes good. I scored decent last year in singles doing that. Just wondering?
There's always' hope as long as there is one more ball in the bag!


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Re: Another ball Selection question?
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2007, 05:10:25 PM »
On the fresh, you won't have any problem getting stuff to move.  Now, as they carry down that could change.  I certainly don't think you'll need 320 grit, I had my buzzsaw at 800 and it moved fine.

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Re: Another ball Selection question?
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2007, 08:22:27 AM »
Ball I used all 3 games of team and first 2 games of Doubles was a Special that was spun 2,000 and hand touched 1,000. pin under ring about 60 degrees.

Anything less was not enough reax on the fresh for me.


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Re: Another ball Selection question?
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2007, 11:49:28 AM »
Did anyone try the old nationals standby shot? Get in deep and fluff it to the bump with something that finishes good. I scored decent last year in singles doing that. Just wondering?

In D/S I started the first 4 games with my Special and had a nice reaction. It's not really drilled for backend but more for mid-lane read and a nice roll on the back. In game 1 I was playing 17-10 and by game 4 I was 27-12. For me you had to treat 10 and out as OB. I had to go in even deeper by game 5 and couldn't because I was already walking around the ball returns. Since I've never practiced starting in front of the ball return I bailed back to 15-10 using my Spit Fire. I think I could've gone really big if the ball returns were off the approach at the stadium. The deeper I got the better reaction I had.

In team I played straight up 10 with the Spit Fire and switched to the Special in game 3 when I had to swing it.

Take all of this for what it's worth since you've never seen me bowl. There's also many reports that pairs can play very different at Reno. I was on lanes 9-12 for D/S and 37-38 for team. Team was the 8:00pm squad and D/S was 5:30pm.

And for the record I'd love to burn lane 37. I threw 18 strikes with 4 opens(all splits) for 579 in team. How do you shoot that low with 18 strikes? Throw 13 on lane 38 and 5 on lane 37. One of those splits cost me a dutch 200, lol.
/rant off

Edited on 4/18/2007 10:15 AM


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Re: Another ball Selection question?
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2007, 05:05:49 PM »
Great feedback so far. Anyone else have an observation on this?
There's always' hope as long as there is one more ball in the bag!


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Re: Another ball Selection question?
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2007, 11:36:12 PM »
I have reports they are a bit oilier than in the past.  My experience has been that I have never used my heavy oil equipment.  I have usually been glad I brought something really weak for the last games in D/S (Ebonite Tornado red/silver pearl or V2 Dry)

This year,since I am flying I will only take 4 balls (using shipping service).  Dynothane Thing Lives, 600 dull, stacked leverage
           Brunswick Wizard, 4000 Abralon, no polish, pin under ring CG        kicked out.
           Ebonite RXS 300, 5 x 5.
           Spare Ball

If they are dry and screaming on D & S, I'm dead.