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Author Topic: Another Nationals Recap  (Read 1073 times)


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Another Nationals Recap
« on: April 22, 2005, 07:57:19 PM »
Ok quick rundown from my Nationals experience. Start with the bowling.

Wednesday 8:30pm team squad---I thought that starting out a little more direct would be prudent based on what I had heard and seen with the team event. I forgot that Im a freak of nature. After a stellar 137 game trying to play anywhere from 15-19 with varying balls and releases, I went to my A Nationals game. 24 board with an Ebonite Tornado ripping the fingers out of it.

228, 183 only having to move another board or 2. Our team struggled after a solid year last year. Too many missed spares.

Day 2, Doubles and Singles---5:30 squad. I came out attempting the same thing as the night before. It wasnt exact but it was close. My doubles pair had the same hook in the ball track but had a little hang in the backend. This resulted in my trying to bring my breakpoint a little forward. I was again using my Ebonite Tornado. I shot 180 with 2 splits. Then the lanes made a transition and went right into my A game. I start with a spare and then throw the next 8 strikes. Spare strike in the 10th for 267. The last game I shot 191 with 1 open. The ball track came too far forward and it was just too tough to get the ball down the lane.

I ended with 638 and my partner shot 630 and we are currently in the top 175.

Singles we were on 1 and 2. I dont know if its always like this but the lanes were a good 2 boards different. Its tough enough to hit the nationals pattern as it is but I guess I just wasnt mentally sharp enough to figure that difference out---at that point its on me. I shoot 162 with 3 opens in the first 6 frames. After that I shoot 191, 204. Respectable 557.

Overall I had too many opens---16 in 9 games however I had 8 of the 16 opens in 2 games. Which means I had the other 8 in the other 7 games. For me at Nationals thats a respectable ratio.

Also for those with a ton of hand---you have no business playing anywhere resembling a normal line. Get left, stay left. The carry is great there (I tripped more 4 pins this year than in my previous 5 trips combined). After game 1, I played from 22 to as deep as 29 (end of singles). The line was the most consistent of anyone that I bowled with (well except is you count consistent 6 counts trying to play outside). Based on all the equipment people take to Nationals to help the ball hook, the shot blows open and becomes really not all that tough. Easy for me to say right...

Anyway, 1742 all events with a 137 first game. +5 for the last 8. Ill take it. My average going into this year was 193. I averaged right around 193. Not an improvement, but I didnt regress.

Now for all those straighties out there. From what I saw, keep the ball going straight forward and you are fine. As soon as you ask the ball to recover though---you are in trouble. Even a simple 2 board bounce is too much to ask for. Straight down the lane rolled great. The carry was good. I noticed a ton of light 7's (for righties) when people had the ball recover in the backend at all. If the ball skidded into the pocket or rolled into the pocket, carry was excellent---if the ball was hooking into the pocket or attempting to hook, the carry was bad.

As with most nationals, go out with a good understanding of what a good and bad shot are. If you think you are throwing a good shot just because the ball ends up flush, you may go to Nationals and get smoked. Just fair warning.
Only Losers Feel Pressure
Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328



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Re: Another Nationals Recap
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2005, 10:22:49 AM »
Good write-up
Just bowl!