I read that, but it assumes that the USBC would go to 150 days instead of 120 (would they really do that?), and even with the extra days, it limits entries to 12,900 teams max by my math. You have to limit it to 43 teams per squad, because you can only run 3 minor events at 6 per pair for 86 teams. And that's assuming you're filling every squad time from the beginning of June until mid-July in El Paso, where the average temps are in the mid-90's and easily be in the triple digits. That's not a very attractive time of year to visit EP. With a 120 day schedule, at 43 teams per squad, two team squads per day, max number of entries is at 10,320 the way I figure it.
I think the bottom line is, 48 lanes is not going to cut it, with fresh oil for every team and minor event, unless you're willing to constrain entries. 60 lanes puts you back in the game with up to a max of 14,400 teams in a 120 day schedule.
Edited by jaydee on 9/13/2011 at 1:12 PM