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Author Topic: Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?  (Read 12998 times)


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Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?
« on: February 28, 2008, 03:01:51 AM »
I have heard that many of the top teams commit to "break down their pair" to make a shot. Anyone care to share their stragedy for doing this?



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Re: Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2008, 11:06:49 AM »
Depends on the shot. If it's oily, take a sanded high friction piece and play your line during practice. If it's fresh and short, take a plastic spare ball and push some oil to control your breakpoint.
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Edited on 2/29/2008 11:36 AM


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Re: Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2008, 10:34:48 AM »
^^^^^Yep.  During match play of a tournament on the shark pattern, I took a fury that I leave in the car thats sanded to 60 grit. Yep, 60 grit.  And ripped it right up the gutter to give me some more bounce.  It worked even though I ended up losing.

Move left, hook it more.....

Tommy Jones is a Gamecock fan...are you???

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Re: Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2008, 06:39:35 PM »
You don't get much practice time, so everyone must be accurate and commit all their time to the task.  If you want to burn up 5, you can't be hitting 3-8 and hope to do much good.  I guess there is nothing wrong with using a duller ball to help create a little friction, but people who totally change the pattern by throwing something lane damagingly dull, or through tons of practice time like the PBA, make a mockery of the intended shot and the sport itself.
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Re: Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2008, 08:05:23 PM »
Every shot you throw changes the lane pattern, so the choice is between trying to do it in a logical way or a haphazard way. We choose to do it logically, though we have been wrong in our gameplan at least once. The keys are getting all 10 guys to cooperate in executing what you want to do. For example, last year we all used balls with some surface (1,000 to 2,000 Ab) in the 8-10 range in practice, then moved in a little as we got to the last couple of minutes of practice trying to line up. The balls we manage our environment with are the same ones we use, typically. I believe it is a detriment to use something that looks like you dragged it behind you car on the way to the center. It is hard to keep a ball like that in an area and I think it can make lanes too wet-dry. I do know some PBA guys that do that, though.

Again, keep in mind that EVERY SHOT CHANGES THE PATTERN. You can not legislate that away with rules. Your choice is to work together or just fire away randomly. To ensure that all our guys work together, I long ago devised and sold everyone on a 10-way split of brackets. We all put in the same amount, some guys get put in more brackets, but we split all winnings equally. That way everyone knows it is to their benefit to work together and not "shimwreck" by going 5 or 10 boards left of everyone else. Someone who violated our 10-man philosophy would be looking for a new team the next year. And, yes, my team is typically giving up some money to our other team in splitting brackets, but we know having them work with us helps us, and they are a good team that in some years has bowled as well as us. Plus, we are all great friends and this makes the USBC experience much more of a shared experience that is a helluva lot more fun than going it alone.

Edited on 2/29/2008 9:06 PM

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Re: Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2008, 08:18:53 PM »
Our two teams have always done that same idea of splitting up all bracket monies, till I came around last year. Haha. I don't think it is fair that if you make a killing in brackets, that you only get a fraction of that back, and then pay for it in taxes. Of course, it is great if you get killed in brackets. Maybe I am just cheap, or money-hungry? No, I am a college student that has to count his pennies. Anyways, last year, I pulled two others with me, and we came up with an idea where us three went in together, and anyone who made a profit, kept it. But the profit winners would make up for anyone, of who lost money, but would not give away anymore than what they had put in. So when we three did it last year, I ended up making a pretty good penny, one guy made a few hundred, and the other one lost most of his. The other guy and I made up for his losses, and gave the losing guy his money back, and we still had a good profit. I am going to run this idea by the whole team this year and see how they accept it.


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Re: Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2008, 04:55:25 AM »
PB, there is a simple way to handle the taxes that we have been using each year when we do this.

You make up a sheet that everyone attaches to their tax returns each year. It lists name, Social Security number, everyone signs it, then has columns for ENTRY FEES, WINNINGS and ALLOCATED WINNINGS (what each person got in splitting). That shows the IRS that what a big winner in a group may have on their 1099 from USBC is NOT what they took home from the event and explains to the IRS how the winnings were split. We have never had a problem in the years we have done this - and it goes back to the 1990s. My accountant set this up the first time and now we just do it ourselves each year.

The other way it can be done is for those with the winnings send out 1099s to teammates they split with but that's way more complicated.


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Re: Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2008, 06:14:41 AM »
Every shot you throw changes the lane pattern, so the choice is between trying to do it in a logical way or a haphazard way. We choose to do it logically, though we have been wrong in our gameplan at least once.

That's situational rationalization or situational ethics.
It's still wrong and it's still cheating, no matter what twist you put on it. Strider was trying to be polite; I am not. It's cheating. period. end of story.

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Re: Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2008, 06:59:39 AM »
Fascinating set of posts.


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Re: Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2008, 07:22:15 AM »
The most hilarious one I read was on this topic in another post that actually talked about how left handers should stop complaining about the oil and then IN THE SAME POST bragged on how good his team was at breaking down the shot. Amazing, absolutely amazing. I actually think the idiot poster was serious too. Ya know how some people have this Rosie Ruiz mentality and talk themselves into the fact that they're great when they cheat...
It was fascinating to read. Wish I could find it again.
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Bill Thomas

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Re: Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2008, 12:34:43 PM »
I would love to hear an explanation of why it is cheating.


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Re: Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2008, 05:11:45 PM »
I would love to hear an explanation of why it is cheating.

How "slow" are you?

Because it's altering the applied oil pattern to make it different AND EASIER from everybody else's on all the other lanes. You might as well have take a 10" mop soaked in acetone or lane stripper and wipe it down the the first 10 boards of either side of the lanes. The results are the same: you get an easy shot and everybody else plays the designed pattern.

Upon re-edit, your profile says you're "Tournament Manager - Challenging Conditions Shootout". So when people change your pattern, doesn't it change the scoring possibilities for them, countering any oil pattern you applied?

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Edited on 3/1/2008 6:16 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2008, 05:12:57 PM »
It is not cheating as long as dull balls are legal.  However it doesn't take anything real drastic to do it.  What you really need is 10 guys who are all comfortable playing the area you are trying to open up;

I am surprised at you, Mr. Hanson. Like many political situations, it's not illegal; it's just unethical and immoral.
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Re: Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2008, 05:23:29 PM »
This is absolutely hysterical!

Both riggs and Bill Thomas are the first ones to comdemn a guy in another thread for WHATTHEY VIEW AS SANDBAGGING, yet they look on it as totally appropriate to bend the rules their way by altering the oil apptern for their benefit.

No, there's no difference in the bottom line for both scenarios. Both are still cheating by altering the situation for your own scoring enhancement.

Take off your blinders, guys. See the real world. Stop being "politicians"!
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Re: Art of Breaking Down a Pair to make a shot?
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2008, 05:29:30 PM »
This is absolutely hysterical!

Both riggs and Bill Thomas are the first ones to comdemn a guy in another thread for WHATTHEY VIEW AS SANDBAGGING, yet they look on it as totally appropriate to bend the rules their way by altering the oil apptern for their benefit.

No, there's no difference in the bottom line for both scenarios. Both are still cheating by altering the situation for your own scoring enhancement.

Take off your blinders, guys. See the real world. Stop being "politicians"!
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I see your standing on this charlest, but I really don't see how it is cheating. As it has been stated, no matter what you do you change the pattern every time you throw the ball. It may be minorly but it does change. I just think that its part of the game, you can't tell people you can't play X part of the lane because that will lead to it breaking down in beneficial way.

But these are just my views.
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