Forget it RIGGS!
You can't win with people that don't understand the concept of a "TEAM"
Most of the people on here, including myself, will never win an Eagle, but we are the first ones to ask...
Hey Riggs, what do you think about BLAH BLAH BLAH...or....
Hey Riggs, how should I attack the lanes at Nationals BLAH BLAH BLAH....
You know what you should do Riggs..NOTHING!
Don't tell people your secrets about winning Eagles.
I know a few guys that were on top of the leader board just last week that said they would NOT tell any one how they played the lanes.
Why should they do all the hard work for others.
All they are doing is telling people how to beat their scores, and that wouldn't make any sense at all.
So if I were you, I would say to hell with everyone on these boards.
Talk to them and give them advice about your equipment company, but from now on, don't tell them about what ball and surface you used while at Nationals.
If they want to know how to play them, tell them to get there early and sit behind someone that is hitting them pretty good and watch their reactions.
Good luck at Nationals!

"If you're scared, say you're scared!"
Kenny = W.O.A.E.