We bowled March 19 (team, 2:30) and March 20 (7:00 am D/S). Overall, I was happy with my bowling this year, shot 1736 AE with a high game of 212 and a low of 183, so I was consistant.
For team and Doubles I was using a Terminator with the pin about an inch above the fingers and the cg just outside the centerline, which works out to about 4x5 for me, surface was at 1000. I have medium revs and above average speed (18-19mph) so I was playing a fairly direct line, about 15 out to 12. I shot 186-186-192 with 7 opens....5 splits, 1 washout and a 9 pin. There seemed to be enough hold in the middle that if you pulled it a couple boards it just sat there and that's where the splits came from. I had very few brooklyns for the whole tournament.
Next up, D/S at 7am...damn that hurt. I tried to be good the nite before, got to bed at a decent hour and just couldn't sleep, maybe got 4 hours. 5 hour energy drinks are AWESOME! Lined up the same as with team, shot 183-201-206. Few splits but a few bone head mistakes. For instance, going good the first game, tugged it in the 10th and left the 3-8, lined up wrong for the spare and only hit the 3 pin.
Change for singles, moved over and played straight up 11 with a Special Agent at 2000. 187-212-184. Again, just stupid mistakes. Last game was clean till I missed a 5 pin in the 8th and chopped the 2 of the 2-5 in the 9th. Overall, I'd say I gave up 100-150 pins to stupidity.
In years past, my biggest problem was not being able to get a backend reaction. This year I didn't have that problem. Now, that doesn't mean there is free hook out there. For the strokers and tweeners, outside 10 and you were toast, for the crankers maybe the 8 board.
The shuttle from Cashman to Binion's was nice. Bus driver was awesome, very friendly, answering questions and giving suggestions. My brother was using one of my cameras since he forgot his at home. Well, he left it on the bus, but the driver turned it into security at Binion's, so I got it back.
On to the fun. We stayed at Excalibur. Nothing fancy, but the restaurants were good, the rooms were clean and the staff friendly. It's less expensive than the other strip hotels, so you get a younger crowd, and since I'm 30 I enjoyed that. I was basically on my own (parents and older married brother), so I managed my way into a bachellorette party Friday

. They have a "Party Pit" outside of Dick's Last Resort. Basically 10 table games with a stage behind it and go-go dancers on stage starting around 7pm playing good music. We had dinner at The Steakhouse at Camelot on Friday. Good prices compared to other places with good food. Excalibur also has 2 for 1 buffet everyday from 2-6 and $25 all day buffet every day.
If you want something a little off the beaten path, check out Battista's Hole in the Wall.
http://www.battistaslasvegas.com/ . It's just off Flamingo across from Bally's. Good italian food, all you can drink red and white wine included, just a fun place. We also had lunch one day at Margarittaville.
It IS next year!