Just gonna throw this out there-
The pattern at nationals isn't even really all that hard. I mean, I used to be able to repeat shots well when I bowled 60 games a week, but now I average probably 9 or 10 and I averaged higher at nationals in 2007 and 2009 (the only years I have gone) than I booked between those 2 years. I mean, all you have to do is watch other people and determine where your breakpoint should be and keep it in that area. Isn't that hard people.
Although, I will say people are correct in saying the difficulty is higher when you follow lesser players in singles/doubles. Last year I followed a bunch of league hacks throwin charcoal up 14 going into doubles and that was tough (even then I finished witha 230, made money in brackets and cashed), but I legitimately think I'm averaging 225+ in singles overall. 2teens in team (where the playing field is more level).