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Author Topic: Ball surfaces for Reno  (Read 2597 times)


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Ball surfaces for Reno
« on: March 21, 2004, 10:40:18 AM »
What ball surfaces do you think will work the best for Reno?

I plan on taking a Black Cherry Bomb which actually has no backend and does nothing for me, an Animal, which contrary to what I read hooks a ton for me, and either a Freak Out or a Cherry Bomb.  All of the surfaces of these are around 1000-1500 smooth..  Do you think sanded/dull, sanded/smooth, sanded/light polish???  

What do you all think will work the best?  Right now I am dicking around with different surfaces on these balls to see what they will do, but I don't really have anything comprabale to the Reno shot to test them on...  We have an AMF Centry HVO Summitt wick machine on AMF HPL's at our center and I don't think I could set anything up in that machine that would compare to Reno, espcially with their lane surface.



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Re: Ball surfaces for Reno
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2004, 01:41:44 PM »

That is kind of what I was thinking.  I bowl on Anvilanes every Thursday and there never really seems to be as much backend as our HPL's.  THey have a higher load in the mid/tack area though.

Anyway, I was thinking with the short/heavy pattern I would probably need something with a tamed down backend, but you are saying they are going to be "dead" to me?  SO you think I sould take my Animal or Fuel with a 1500 grit polish?  or keep it with a lower grit and high polish?

My Freak Out actually might work well now that I think about it.  That is highly polished, has the Morpheus core and has hella backend for me the way it's set up.

Thanks for you help, I think I am figuring things out now  


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Re: Ball surfaces for Reno
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2004, 02:31:47 PM »
The word on the abc forum is controle the break point/backend. low rg/low diff with a sheen finish might be the trick. just my opinion.


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Re: Ball surfaces for Reno
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2004, 05:19:21 PM »
I think we need to consider which sets you're talking about. I haven't found any problems with the backend in Reno on the fresh oil, as long as I am not horsing it down there. The problems there are the lane topography and the fact that the lanes are now burnt (8 years old and lots of games on them). The 'breakpoint' comment is obviously right on - I don't think it's ever any different - and that usually requires a lot of moving at the stadium. There should be less carry down early with the Prodigy conditioner but once it's there, then I agree the backends will be pretty tame.