quote:quote:I'm confused, Steven. How does your link not support exactly what riggs is saying? Crusty: Since you didn't watch the video linked in the pdf document, I understand your confusion. Click where is says "click here to download...".To the rest of you trolling for points against Steven, nice try. Again, reading comprehension comes into play. I clearly said for the USBC Open Championships, ultimate success is not going to be determined by differences in static weights and consequent differences in ball movement. If you don't have the prerequisite skills, you're not going to bowl well in this tournament -- period.
quote:I'm confused, Steven. How does your link not support exactly what riggs is saying?
quote:Crusty: Since you didn't watch the video linked in the pdf document, I understand your confusion. Click where is says "click here to download...".
quote:The only thing I can even think you''re trying to use from the video to prove your case is the difference between shots 6, 7, and 8. Shots 6 and 7 (positive weight) go through the face. Shot 8 (negative weight) lays off enough to trip the 4, so you''ll probably go on and on about how it hooked less because it had negative weight.
quote:Except you conveniently forget to mention A). there was essentially (key word being essentially, don''t want you to spin my words after reading my next two points) no difference from shots 1-5 in terms of reaction,
quote:Some key statistics from this test are that the positive center of gravity ball is two boards stronger on the back end in the oil than the negative center of gravity ball and the positive CG ball is a foot and a quarter sooner than the negative CG ball.
quote:So, to be clear, cgnomaddamuch..--------------------Yes. it's I, the Inverted One..
quote:To be clear CG matters less than the temp outside, the speed of the fans, how hard the AC is blowing, the rate at which the toilet flushes and now the steam coming from Stevens head because no one will follow in his mythical point.
quote:http://www.bowlingdigital.com/bowl/node/2814The pertinent passage is the following:quote:Some key statistics from this test are that the positive center of gravity ball is two boards stronger on the back end in the oil than the negative center of gravity ball and the positive CG ball is a foot and a quarter sooner than the negative CG ball.Isn't it amazing how USBC written conclusions and visuals from the Brunswick video coincide? There's no question that CG does matter to some degree. Anyone who says that a break length difference of 1.25 feet and a backend difference of 2 boards "doesn't matter" is either completely dishonest or clueless.
quote:My point in responding here, again, was to indicate that for the most part, understanding and using CG placement for you own needs isn't going to make or break your performance at the USBC tournament, do dispense with the ball weight-in. I still believe that.
quote:It's true, the study does say that. But there's a glaring problem with the study that you conveniently forget (or didn't think) to mention. Looking at the picture, both balls have the same pin position, the only difference being the CGs are swung out in opposite directions.But that means the two core angles (core angle being the line through the pin and CG in relation to the line through the pin and axis) are completely different, especially since the axis isn't going to change because of Harry's knack for repeating shots. Since it's known that different core angles on equipment with identical ending statics makes a difference, two variables have been changed in this test, which automatically invalidates the results. What fraction of that 10% difference the test claims statics makes is actually due to different core dynamics? No one knows, but I bet it's significant.If you wanted to faithfully test the difference statics makes, you'd need to find a way to drill the test balls in the same exact way while simultaneously altering the statics (and ONLY the statics). You can't ignore core angles to change statics, because that's not isolating one variable.
quote:If you wanted to faithfully test the difference statics makes, you'd need to find a way to drill the test balls in the same exact way while simultaneously altering the statics (and ONLY the statics). You can't ignore core angles to change statics, because that's not isolating one variable.
quote: I'm not debating statics don't matter at all. Technically, they do. However, the effect is so negligible that it's not worth controlling so finely. There are so many more significant factors under our control (surface, core orientation, etc.),
quote:Anyway, I love how the argument conveniently shifts from 'cgnomaddah' to 'cgnomaddamuch'.
quote:steven, crawl back into ritchies ars and dont come back out to play with the big boys...you are still and idiot and have no clue..uncle crusty has owned you but you can continue to dodge the points he makes but it clearly makes you look more like a re'tard than you already do...