Title says it all, i got a crap ton of balls, but i can only afford to take 4 of em'. I've bowled on flatter patterns before, but this being my first nationals, so if anyone would provide some advice, it would be greatly appreciated.
Well here's the ball I have now:
Big One (6 1/2 X 4)
Angular One (5 X 4 1/2)
Red Zone (5 x 4 1/2)
SR300 (5 X 5)
Classic Zone (5 1/2 X 5)
Ice (5 1/2 X 4 1/2)
Whirlwind ( 5 1/2 X 4 1/2)
Vapor Zone (5 1/2 X 4 1/2)
Time Zone (4 x 4)
All balls are pin ups, oob, except the Vapor Zone which is a pin down and the Time Zone, which puts the pin next to my ring finger. I can shoot spares with any polished ball, and if necessary i'll drill a plastic ball when i'm down there. Thanks again
Move left, hook it more.....
Tommy Jones is a Gamecock fan...are you???
Spares raise your average...Strikes win you titles...
Edited on 6/8/2007 5:18 PM
Edited on 6/8/2007 7:03 PM