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Author Topic: Bizarre outage hits USBC team squad, causes brackets controversy  (Read 2887 times)


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What do you think would have been the right thing to do?

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Re: Bizarre outage hits USBC team squad, causes brackets controversy
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2011, 06:38:03 AM »
I know there are good people at USBC...but again and again there are stories like this that show how inept they can be at basic management of their functions.

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Re: Bizarre outage hits USBC team squad, causes brackets controversy
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2011, 07:12:10 AM »
IMO this was the incorrect call on the MOD.  If they were to offer a refund to those bowlers they should of offered the refund to the entire squad.  This is just another example why bowling is failing.  When our leaders can't get it right it funnels down the entire sport and leaves many people wondering why? 
The guys in our group would go into cardiac arrest if this happen them.  Let's hope they have learned something during this whole thing.



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Re: Bizarre outage hits USBC team squad, causes brackets controversy
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2011, 07:30:41 AM »
Two things that I see as being a harsh injustice to us and the money we put into the USBC:
1. You have had this event for many years, it is quite a large event. Any normal event like this has or should have a set of guidelines to follow for all staff in case of issues that arise. It is beyond me how what is allegedly such an "amazing" organization has no plans for eventualities that may occur. Has no one at the USBC ever thought to create plans for what procedure would be followed if the lanes were blacked out? If there are no such plans, than its great to see that the money we put in to their salaries for them to do the best job they can do is really not going to even the simplest of standards for large events.
2. The director for the event leaves and is unreachable for 1 hour. If you are the director for an event like this, one of such scale, do you not think it is appropriate for your staff to have a way to reach you in case of emergency, especially during active parts of the event? I'm sorry but we are paying for directors to be available to make sure situations like this do not happen.  

Edited by icefiction on 3/28/2011 at 7:31 AM


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Re: Bizarre outage hits USBC team squad, causes brackets controversy
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2011, 08:52:25 AM »
Two issues I missed brought up on my Facebook page post of this -- reverse brackets and Super Brackets.  Will be doing an update in a day or two with some additional thoughts.


And as for the TD availability -- there always are times and places where a person might not be available.  I know personally no one is allowed to have a cell phone in the gym where I work out and since I swim I surely couldn't have it there regardless of policy. So 2 hours for 3-4 days a week I can't be reached.

The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:


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Re: Bizarre outage hits USBC team squad, causes brackets controversy
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2011, 09:03:07 AM »
I agree, however it is my understanding that there are multiple directors for the event. If I am wrong, then I apologize. I just find it hard to believe that she was not able to get a hold of anyone hire up than herself for an hour and half. 


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Re: Bizarre outage hits USBC team squad, causes brackets controversy
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2011, 09:09:52 AM »
According to the director we spoke to the next day, he indicated he was never contacted - so it wasn't that he couldn't be reached, it was never tried.



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Re: Bizarre outage hits USBC team squad, causes brackets controversy
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2011, 09:31:30 AM »
I would love to know if that is true. I am certainly not calling you a liar, but as well know, what is said in these forums, most of the times needs some official verification from the source or people surrounding them.

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Re: Bizarre outage hits USBC team squad, causes brackets controversy
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2011, 10:51:04 AM »
this happend to my team when the USBC open was in corpus. after game 2 the pair went down for 30-45 min. we were offered refunds for our brackets...those of us that bowled poorly, got out got our refund and walked out winners, those that bowled well stayed in. so its happened before, just didnt have an impact on so many other people. If it had, this uproar would have taken place years ago.

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Re: Bizarre outage hits USBC team squad, causes brackets controversy
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2011, 11:48:36 PM »
They reacted in favor of the affected bowlers. That seems fair.
There really is no right answer.
Perhaps they should have called all team bracket null and void.
They would have got most back the next day.



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Re: Bizarre outage hits USBC team squad, causes brackets controversy
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2011, 04:46:07 AM »
I think they should have let the brackets continue for all.  No refunds !