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Author Topic: Bring a dry lane ball???  (Read 3901 times)


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Bring a dry lane ball???
« on: December 29, 2005, 02:47:30 PM »
I have bowled 5 of these and never have I ever used my dry lane ball.  Would it be smart to just leave it at home, or has someone actually needed it.



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Re: Bring a dry lane ball???
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2006, 04:45:00 PM »

I think you need to keep an open mind when you go to this tournament. Yes the shot will in all likely hood end up inside. With that in mind, rememeber last year the lanes tightened up more than expected, so the shot they put down changed from what was expected, this year you will have the same type of surface, the same type of general wheather and 1 year of experience on this surface.


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Re: Bring a dry lane ball???
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2006, 06:17:20 PM »
If you intend to bowl the BJI or the BTM tourney, you might want to bring a hevay oil ball. SOmetimes they oil heavy; sometimes you get dry-ish. Also a crap shoot.

The BJI and 40 framer have been bowled on a house shot the last two years with no rumor or signs of change.  Conditions will depend on that house.

The BTM has been a 42 foot flat (thus sport-compliant) pattern of slightly above average volume (in my opinion).  If you're worried about a flood, bowl a later shift.
J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row

Edited on 2/3/2006 7:04 PM

Bowling Barista

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Re: Bring a dry lane ball???
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2006, 05:56:10 PM »
I don't know what situation you're talking about, but I always have to switch to my drylane ball to pick up the 10 pins, but perhaps that's just my inexperience talking.


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Re: Bring a dry lane ball???
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2006, 04:01:28 PM »
I'll be rolling into town with this Arsenal:

Storm Trifecta, Storm Diablo, Storm X-Factor Ace, Lane 1 Tsunami, Lane 1 H20, and my new plastic spare ball which I have yet to purchase!!
If at first you don't succeed

Throw another ball!!


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Re: Bring a dry lane ball???
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2006, 08:03:06 PM »
I have bowled 5 of these and never have I ever used my dry lane ball.  Would it be smart to just leave it at home, or has someone actually needed it.

Depends on what You mean by dry lane ball. With you ball speed, you might not need it; with your rev rate, yo umight need it, depending on where you play.

Just got back (Tues, 3/21). The lightest oil ball I brought was a Visionary Blue/Green Centaur, sanded to 2000 grit. I used it for singles, doubles and last game and a half of team. STarted off with a CrunchTime for the first game and a half. Played 4th arrow out to 9 board at 48 feet for breakpoint. By the end of singles I was standing 40 and playing inside 4th arrow, using 10 board as breakpoint.

Outside (Boards 1-8) got slightly more oily after team event; but it's not a true out of bounds. They oil before each team event (2:30 PM & 8:30 PM) and have one sngl/dbl event after each team event. There are 3 sngls/dbls in the morning on fresh oil.

Oil, as I see it, is medium-light transitioning fairtly quickly to a light oil pattern. The heads stay oiled, but the backend is HUGE, all the time. A teammate who I'd describe as stroker/tweener left a STONED 7-9 using a BLue Dot on first shot of singls/dbls; he never recovered from the shock  of that. (Neither have I; that sight will stay with me for a long time.) This is one time I'd strongly advise that, if you have any hand at all, drill a medium-light oil control ball with a control drilling. I NEVER suggest that. (Usually a control ball can be drilled strong.) The condition is a Stroker's paradise!

Oh, on eother thing: unless you have high ball speed, there's very little pull or tug rroom, but I had 2-4 boards of swing room.

Your mileage may vary!
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
(That includes me too, at times! )

"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Bring a dry lane ball???
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2006, 05:32:01 PM »
I just bowled nationals and used my roto grip rs1 playing down 7 on the left side.


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Re: Bring a dry lane ball???
« Reply #22 on: March 31, 2006, 10:03:21 AM »
Bowled nationals, BJI, BTM, and 40-framer last week.

Used "normal" equipment for nationals and did well.  The BTM extended the pattern another 6 feet to a total length of 48 feet (including buffing) and heavy volume, and it plays like a long, heavy pattern.

The BJI/40-framer was the sahara desert.  I ended up using only plastic (for all shots) and had to swing it 15 boards on top of that.  Still scored pretty well, despite that.

The nationals pattern, according to the head mechanic, is setup to yield an inside/outside shot.  You can play down and in off the gutter if you don't have a ton of hand and can roll the ball.  The standard nationals inside shot is also there.  You can play it either way, but you'll still need to execute well to score well.
J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row