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Author Topic: Browning Pontiac 3,358  (Read 2727 times)


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Browning Pontiac 3,358
« on: April 26, 2007, 02:00:44 AM »
Awesome bowling. Would give them about a 90 percent chance at becoming the first repeat team champion with that score.



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Re: Browning Pontiac 3,358
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2007, 11:40:28 AM »
These guys are on fire. I know I said it before but Ken Jessee is one of the best bowlers you've never heard of. He won the USBC Team event last year as stated, not to mention he is leading the Ohio State Bowling Championship in Team event, Doubles, and All Events. You guys already know George Gohagan III (899 on video), he might be the best bowler in our area(Southwest Ohio) or even the state of Ohio. Congratulations guys, keep it up!
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Re: Browning Pontiac 3,358
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2007, 12:50:31 PM »
Not to mention Mr Ken Abner is a great bowler also who would of won the PBA central region points the last 2 years if he didn't sit out the last couple of events, on purpose.

Mr Steve Ferr shows that he still has it !!! as he leads the team with a 738...

It would be unbelievable to repeat as USBC champions!!!  They have a good shot at it.


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Re: Browning Pontiac 3,358
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2007, 10:58:26 AM »
10,071 to take lead past us in team a-e. Ken Abner 2,174 to edge by Dave Beres for a-e lead.

Absolutely awesome bowling by these guys. Our hats are off to them.


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Re: Browning Pontiac 3,358
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2007, 12:32:43 PM »
The amazing thing about this team is that they didn't all try to burn up a part of the lane. I was watching and it was obvious that everyone was just playing their own game. Ken Jessee was playing way in with soft speed. While Steve Fehr was playing the track direct. The other two were in between. Maybe the strategy to "burn a spot" is over-rated?
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Re: Browning Pontiac 3,358
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2007, 01:11:05 PM »
10,071 to take lead past us in team a-e. Ken Abner 2,174 to edge by Dave Beres for a-e lead.

Absolutely awesome bowling by these guys. Our hats are off to them.

Riggs, your team came out to play, and so did Steve's team.  You two teams are the best out there in that USBC Open Sandbox for the past several years.  Keep up the fantastic work!!

I remember as if it were yesterday when the teams I bowled with from around Buffalo (Heim's Bowling Supply/Brunswick Rhino's/Zwadzki's Jewelers) went tooth and nail with the likes of the powerhouse Richie Wonders/Rod Toft/Bob Goike teams from Wisconsin, Minnesota, or even one of our own teams from the Buffalo area in the old ABCs from the mid 80s through the mid 90s.  Awesome memories.  It's exciting just to keep up with all of the news through the Internet.  What a awesome forum for information, 'cause I hate waiting for the USBC Bowler/Bowling Magazine or for Bowler's Journal (YUCK, HACK) to post the news.

I can tell you from personal experience what the disappointment is like to see an Eagle fly away, but I can also relate to the great feeling winning an Eagle is too.  But knowing you and your team posted the score and reflecting on your past accomplishments, and tapping into that only reinforces your resolve, resilience, and talent to go back out and kick tail next year.  

Keep up the great work, and keep plugging away, Jeff.  I see you in the USBC Hall of Fame one of these years - FRAN

PS - Go Bills.
Fran Bax

A Member of the Buffalo and New York State Bowling Association Halls of Fame

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Edited on 4/27/2007 1:21 PM


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Re: Browning Pontiac 3,358
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2007, 05:14:43 PM »
Yes, I would have to agree with Mr. Bax on that one.  Both of the above mentioned teams are very good players--throw in Linds/MoRich/ and I can't think of any more at this time and you have VERY GOOD TEAMS!! Interesting to know that Browning Pontiac didn't burn up a spot and play from there.  Nice bowling again to everyone near the top at the USBC.
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Re: Browning Pontiac 3,358
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2007, 02:30:37 PM »
Yeah, that is just unbelievable bowling from both of those teams. Congrats to all of you. I just bowled my first Nats, and I can say, winning Team, and especially Team All-Events is definitely the hardest one. Congrats again!


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Re: Browning Pontiac 3,358
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2007, 07:20:32 PM »
Thanks for the kind words, especially Fran. I got my real start as a bowler when I joined Rich's Kendor/Faball teams in the early 1980s. I always had it in the back of my mind after I left the Tour and had successful wrist surgeries to do something similar if the chance came some day. It finally did when Mac and Shades left the Tour. USBC is without a doubt the funnest 9 games of the year and the Web has made it so much more fun - to be able to follow Browning and Lind's and MoRich and other solid teams. We bowled our butts off this year and just got beat. Last year I felt like I made us lose team a-e so this was much easier to take. How close we were to three-peating just shows how hard it is to win.

I'd have to say Abner's USBC this year may end up the second best individual effort of all time, next to Mike Neumann's in 1990.


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Re: Browning Pontiac 3,358
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2007, 07:22:16 PM »
Bruns, that is interesting that they didn't all play a spot to blow it up. Guess with styles that different they don't have much choice. We all throw it pretty close so it's inevitable that that's what we'll do.


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Re: Browning Pontiac 3,358
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2007, 08:08:59 PM »
One thing that you have to consider though, is that they crossed with there 2nd team form Ohio.  Which they probably helped break down the lanes for them also.
Either way they bowled great.  

Abner has a unigue roll anyways and he can bowl on anything. GG3 is a good lefty. Steve is accurate and straight. Ken Jessee is very versatile. They just bowled good together as a team...