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Author Topic: BTM bowlers - please post a report  (Read 897 times)


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BTM bowlers - please post a report
« on: February 28, 2007, 03:06:33 AM »
Subject says it all. Right or left side, doesn't matter. How did it play and transition? What squad time did you bowl? What would you do differently?



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Re: BTM bowlers - please post a report
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2007, 09:35:42 AM »
The BTM this year is 40 ft. of flat oil... playable from most angles since there is some hook anywhere.  I am a straight down and in player with a high track.

Normally you can get on the lanes at any time from 10-4pm, best to call first.  One day was cut short by High School and U of Nevada bowlers.  This day we started  around 2pm and had 6-8 games bowled on it previously.

I started around 13-14 with a small swing with a pin above the fingers Vapor Zone (box finish).  I had about 1-2 boards of area anywhere I tried in practice from the gutter to here, so I guessed by starting in.  Started 258, then slowly migrated in for 190ish, 180ish, 190ish, ending at 17-18 with that same small swing and a 823 total.  Bring your spare game.  I fortunately had mine.  I picked up a couple 2-4-10's and a couple washouts.

I like to get into the 8 game pot, so my partner and I bowled back...  I was a little concerned I was too deep, so my "coach" said just go outside like you normally do... so I took my box, label drilled Special Agent and went direct up 6-7 board for 4 games... didn't move much due to the lack of lineage that far out.  Shot 238-190ish-160ish-180ish-779.  Started making bad shots the 3rd game and lost that good spare game in the last one.

I like this length of oil (way better than the 48 ft of living he** last year).  It seems fair for all styles and righty/leftys.  My lefty partner who has decent hand played different angles between 5-12 board for 817 and a low 700.  Bowling good the first set, then had one really bad game in the second set.

This always is my favorite side tournament stop during Nationals.