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Author Topic: Changes to the USBC Awards.  (Read 20177 times)


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Changes to the USBC Awards.
« on: August 15, 2013, 11:38:49 AM »
I saw on the 11th that the USBC starting 2014/2015 season will only give out one LIFE TIME AWARD for a 300 game or a 800 series, and a 900 series. No more multiple awards.
Also no more 11 in a row award.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2013, 12:03:31 PM by sevenpin63 »



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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2013, 12:00:35 PM »
I don't really have a problem with that decision as long as it is a decent award instead of some of the low grade awards that are given out now. They probably won't be Gold because you will have to pay for that.

I know a lot of bowlers that have multiple 300's that were bowled in the 60's and 70's and they got Gold rings for every one of those games.  Some just got the biggest ring they made and now their jewelry collection is quite valuable.

I did not read the article yet but it definitely seems to put the ho-hum syndrome on things like the 11 in a row award that is sometimes bowled better than a lot of 300 games.

I wonder if they will only give out one 900 ring award now?


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2013, 12:02:57 PM »
Yes that goes for a 900 ring as well. I will edit my post.

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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2013, 12:03:35 PM »
I saw on the 11th that the USBC starting 2014/2015 season will only give out one LIFE TIME AWARD for a 300 game or a 800 series. No more multiple awards.
Also no more 11 in a row award.


For me personally, I don't mind this.  I'd like to see exactly where the "savings" are going.  I did have a conversation with our association manager a few weeks ago and he said USBC is "forcing" the association to buy state level awards from USBC.  He also said that the price would at least double from what he is paying now.  That doesn't make much sense to me.


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2013, 12:10:31 PM »
I don't blame USBC one bit for limiting the Rings and Awards giving out. I think it is a smart move on their end. When honor scores are being put up even on the toughest shots like the US Open, what is left to challenge us? The equipment is getting so good which helps with the honor scores. Lanes conditions can be modified any way shape or form to help with area. I love the quote from Cain stating "Given that more than 50,000 certified perfect games are rolled in a typical season". Granted some of those are multiple from the same person. I'm sure it will save them a decent penny worth. Just my 2 cents.


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2013, 12:12:02 PM »
The biggest problem I see in all of this is the small leagues. The eight team league that has a bunch of 160 to 180 something bowlers.

I am in a league like that and every year in the league meeting they ask if we still want to be a USBC sanctioned league. And every year its a close vote. My fear is this will turn the tied the other way. My gut tells me next time this comes up they will vote NOT to be sanctioned.

I just wonder if this will happen across the country and the USBC will lose even more members.

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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2013, 12:17:26 PM »
The biggest problem I see in all of this is the small leagues. The eight team league that has a bunch of 160 to 180 something bowlers.

I am in a league like that and every year in the league meeting they ask if we still want to be a USBC sanctioned league. And every year its a close vote. My fear is this will turn the tied the other way. My gut tells me next time this comes up they will vote NOT to be sanctioned.

I just wonder if this will happen across the country and the USBC will lose even more members.

I agree.  What's the actual benefit to sanctioning for the majority of your league bowlers?  At least in my center i can't count on both hands the guys/gals that bowl tournaments, so there's no benefit there.  They don't care for the coaster/magnet awards, no benefit.  Although for us its only $18 per year, it doesn't give you all that much. 


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2013, 12:17:36 PM »
I have had plenty of bowlers tell me that the awards don't mean anything to them. They have gotten to the point they don't even take the awards. I look just at in my hometown of all the 300's last season and think back 10-15 years ago and compare numbers it is crazy how many more there are now. I can see why they want to give out just one. As already mentioned the question will start to be asked of where is all that money going to be used at then.
I have been one to say that they need to focus on the lower end to average bowlers and cater the awards to them more to keep them interested in the game. As well as towards the youth bowlers. Find ways to keep those bowlers motivated to keep going with the sport. 


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2013, 12:57:14 PM »
Good discussion.

My question to add would be:

What do you expect for your $18-$20 a year?

And you should realize that your answer should not cost more than $18-20 in value.

And you should not get more value where as your fellow bowler gets less.  And I think this is where USBC might be going.  Every year, the high average guys, earn the free ring.  And even if that is $30-40, he is making a profit on his dues.  The money comes from somewhere.  That somewhere is your fellow bowlers.  The 130 average bowler who never throws 300 but still pays his dues.  He is paying for your free ring because your $18 didn't cover the cost. 

Under this new plan, now the 130 average bowler can expect the same value for his dues - 1 free ring per lifetime per type of honor score.


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2013, 01:01:46 PM »
So if they are only giving out one award for 300s, 800s, and 900s, what happens to the awards for multiples in a single year? Are they getting rid of the rings that indicate the number of those achieved in a single season?

EDIT: Actually now that I think about it, I can't remember if those were for a single season or if they were lifetime. Could someone clarify, as I don't have the latest rule book nearby?



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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2013, 01:22:01 PM »
So if they are only giving out one award for 300s, 800s, and 900s, what happens to the awards for multiples in a single year? Are they getting rid of the rings that indicate the number of those achieved in a single season?

EDIT: Actually now that I think about it, I can't remember if those were for a single season or if they were lifetime. Could someone clarify, as I don't have the latest rule book nearby?


If your talking about being recognized for your score, yes you will. But they will only pay for one ring per event for a life time. If you want a ring for every time you shoot an honor score, you will have to pay for it.


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2013, 02:38:48 PM »
This is also retroactive, meaning if you are an adult, who received one of these awards prior to August 1st, 2014, you cannot received an award for that score ever again.

Guess I'd better get busy on that 900 pursuit, since I am more than done on the others...

Happy Hunting, y'all!

Where do you think all the savings will go?


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2013, 02:45:17 PM »
It is all about the money, BTW...Here is the quote from Commander Cain,

""With this change, USBC takes another meaningful step toward our vision of redefining the organization," Cain said in the release. "I want to clearly emphasize that cost savings was only a small factor in the board's decision-making process approving the change. This is primarily about a philosophical shift to make USBC membership about supporting and protecting the sport."

Uh, that ship sailed a long time ago and supporting and protecting the sport are the least of your worries, Commander Cain! BTW, numbers are lower in 2013 for sanctioned bowlers then they were in 1916. Hmmm.........


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2013, 03:15:04 PM »
Nothing surprising in that news release. I'm from the Dayton, Ohio area and would bet there are less sanctioned leagues then there are sanctioned. I bowl in one to maintain a average for local, state and national tournaments and three unsanctioned leagues. The average card holders has no idea who Cain is, the mission of USBC or do they care.
I wish Kegal would start a National organization, at least their forward thinkers.
As paying members we have no voice in direction or policies with the USBC or it's current board decision's. Once I leave the tournament trial's, I'll also be a non member.


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2013, 03:42:31 PM »
I liked the idea for the bowling videos they sent out. The issue I had with the approach was the first video was at a decent price point. While nothing in the video was ground breaking it was nice to watch. So the next video arrives and the cost for that video was a joke. I could not see paying for a dvd at that price when you can youtube something as good or better for free. I just felt like they wined and dined me on the first then tried solving all their problems by charging so much on the next dvd.