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Author Topic: Changes to the USBC Awards.  (Read 20186 times)


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Changes to the USBC Awards.
« on: August 15, 2013, 11:38:49 AM »
I saw on the 11th that the USBC starting 2014/2015 season will only give out one LIFE TIME AWARD for a 300 game or a 800 series, and a 900 series. No more multiple awards.
Also no more 11 in a row award.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2013, 12:03:31 PM by sevenpin63 »



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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2013, 10:40:15 PM »
I had heard the the minor awards were being eliminated after this year, but the honor scores would remain. I guess they decided to change that as well. I bowl in a center that rarely has an honor score and it is still a fairly big deal when you do. I have multiple 299's in recent years but keep hanging corners on the 12th, but none of them are from my home center. I hate to think I can't get an award for 300 when my last one was back in the 90's. Guess I would like to get one more then I wouldn't mind too much. My issue is they are dumping the cost of all awards on the local associations and most of them are barely treading water now and have a hard time affording what they have. If they add more costs, I don't see how the locals can stay afloat. I have a feeling a lot of bowlers think that USBC is there for awards and take those away and they will just decide not to sanction at all. Those that bowl tournaments have to find a certified league but for the average bowler that never bowls tournaments, why waste the money if your not going to get anything in return.


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2013, 12:10:10 AM »
Anyone want to start a rival to the USBC? Thinking the time is right for change...

Can't get much worse, can it?

Walking E

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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2013, 04:31:35 AM »
Good thing I got my first 299 out of the way recently! I don't need any more 300 rings, but I wouldn't mind a plaque if I shoot another one. Better shoot it soon, eh?? (I'm tryin', I'm tryin'!)


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2013, 07:10:05 AM »
If the walled up shots go away they won't be giving so many out. I would love to see where all the money goes.


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2013, 07:57:00 AM »
The 11th Frame: Hooray USBC: Major awards to be once a lifetime starting in 2014-15


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #21 on: August 16, 2013, 07:57:43 AM »
From back in March:

The 11th Frame: USBC planning to move all but top awards to local associations in 2014-15


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #22 on: August 16, 2013, 09:08:24 AM »
Even the youth sanction is going to $4 and no awards, cause they think more parents would be able to afford the kids bowling! The problem I see is they have even eliminated a lot of awards for the lower average bowlers and expect the local association to pay for the awards! I can see the USBC losing more bowlers than they will get and I also want to see what they do with all the money! I agree that Kegel needs to get in the sanctioning business and the USBC will as we know it not exist! I hate the cupcake THS, but when you put a tougher shot out the bowlers cry! It's not about making quality shots anymore, it's about how many boards you can cover and have everything from 15 to the ditch, maybe 20 to the ditch!! lol I try to have a Kegel sport shot league last summer in our house and we had 3 bowlers sign-up! The 3 didn't  know what it was, but wanted to try! The year before we had 20 bowlers with several of them quitting after a few weeks! Just my $.02, Bruce
Bruce Campbell
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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #23 on: August 16, 2013, 09:15:50 AM »
"What they do with all the money"?

They are losing 5% or more of membership each year. This is latest cut designed to keep them operating when their revenue stream continues to decline.


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2013, 11:55:38 AM »
What about selling the "palace" and moving down to what the membership can afford to support and also like a lot of us take a pay cut of 5-15%.
Do they need all the help year round? As bowling is a flood of applications, then what?
No award paperwork to process or mail, that can be part time and I'm sure many others can be too.


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2013, 12:04:01 PM »
BPAA owns the building, I think.
They have cut their job numbers in half from days in Milwaukee ... also had reductions to 401k and other stuff, I've been told.
I am sure more pay cuts and job cuts are on horizon -- these cuts don't cover all of the deficit.


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #26 on: August 16, 2013, 12:08:35 PM »
Even the youth sanction is going to $4 and no awards, cause they think more parents would be able to afford the kids bowling! The problem I see is they have even eliminated a lot of awards for the lower average bowlers and expect the local association to pay for the awards! I can see the USBC losing more bowlers than they will get and I also want to see what they do with all the money! I agree that Kegel needs to get in the sanctioning business and the USBC will as we know it not exist! I hate the cupcake THS, but when you put a tougher shot out the bowlers cry! It's not about making quality shots anymore, it's about how many boards you can cover and have everything from 15 to the ditch, maybe 20 to the ditch!! lol I try to have a Kegel sport shot league last summer in our house and we had 3 bowlers sign-up! The 3 didn't  know what it was, but wanted to try! The year before we had 20 bowlers with several of them quitting after a few weeks! Just my $.02, Bruce

+1. How the hell do they think that a $4 savings is going to get more kids bowling? Should I do the math for them, since it is obviously not their strong suit? $4 divided by 30 weeks is 13 cents per day. My newly minted letter from the RVP program says they have 325,000 youth members. So this change will amount to $1.3 million per year and will do NOTHING to grow the sport. Maybe this savings will pay for the ITRC power bill...
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 12:10:17 PM by blesseddad »


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #27 on: August 16, 2013, 12:10:28 PM »
FYI -- posted on Facebook by Chad Murphy, the IBC head of youth bowling:

Chad Murphy   
Chad Murphy   9:18am Aug 16
Something to think about within this honor score argument. A wise man's quote first. "A peaceful gathering of thoughtful individuals turned into a mob which created a riot."

That's what I took home from what I read on here yesterday. I'm not one to suppress any opinions and I wasn't involved with this award decision but.. I'd like to share that most of what I read here has nothing to do with moving bowling forward in a positive way and that's disappointing for me. I'm just barely old enough to remember when bowlers believed they would probably only get a very few shots at a 300 game in a lifetime and probably only earn one. Now there are 50,000+ a year that turn into still only 30,000+ rings. That is a very small percentage of the membership. I know it's something this board is passionate about but really, out of 1.8 million certified bowlers we are talking about less then three percent being impacted by this change and that's after year one. Is this really the spark plug we are making it out to be or just the powder keg going off about some other things?

So my comment is, if I remember when bowlers would only have a couple chances to get one and now there are 50K of them why wouldn't the award structure change to go with that. In being honest and candid I don't know the answer to this but it is something I ponder and have for about a year.

Moving on, I read yesterday about a revolution, some talk about executives salaries some very critical talk about tournaments, decline, decisions, awards, the past, ball technology and many other things that have nothing to do with this and it's all good to talk about I guess because it makes the conversation more "sexy." It's probably what makes a peaceful gathering turn into a riot. People are guessing about the future, others are believing those things are facts and running to the next step then the next.

All over a program that has been cut that effects less then 3% of the membership. I know I'm part of the I/me generation or at least the front end of it and I'm aware of that at all times. I just think that we are mostly looking at how this effects me instead of how this effects the greater good for bowling or doesn't. I'm not looking to change anyone's mind here but I am asking that we dial down the hate mail.

In working here in the youth area for the last three years I know full well what a lightning rod USBC is to most folks. The interesting part is most of the decisions folks point at were made by folks who worked here years ago. The new group here has been saddled by the idea that additional revenue in the form of dues is not an option and therefore are moving forward with a business accordingly and responsibly. Again, as a lifetime bowler, I have questioned this decision when we made it for youth but in that area there were 1500 kids out of 194,000 that were impacted. Should 192,500 pay for an award that was earned by only 1500? Maybe they should and maybe this is wrong but I'm trying to bring some perspective.

I also want to clarify something specific, I got an email this morning that threatened "change is a coming" and a saw a post yesterday that talked about starting a "new governing body" for bowling. Those of you who know me, know I welcome those conversations, it raises the level of expectations and challenges everyone to raise their game but as a follow up.... These decisions and others that have been made are opportunity for locals like all of you to put things in place that are important to you. If awards, honor score rings, special achievement awards are important to you then put a program together locally to support it. Work with your centers to do that if they think it's valuable. We are providing tools to do that again responsibly and as cost effective as possible. If your group wants it, let's do it... if a group doesn't that's okay to. It's empowerment instead of a mandate.

IMO, there has never been a better time to be a local bowling leader then today to work within a better system then the one of the past. this one is empowering you rather then dictating to you a one size fits all governance structure. My question to you is..... Are you one of those leaders I talk about or someone who will simply sit at a computer and chastise the decisions of others for the work they are doing.

Sorry for the book, it's an important time for bowling and we need folks who are passionate enough to put themselves in the line of fire to get involved to move bowling forward. My message is, let's be productive.


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #28 on: August 16, 2013, 01:05:10 PM »
I have already been thinking about creating an awards program in one of my leagues to keep the lower average guys hungry and wanting to come back the following season for more. There is nothing better in any sport than getting recognition for a personal achievement. I just don't know how to go about starting this. Do I ask all league members to pitch in a "league membership dues" and create an awards  development team and let them hash out the rules.....maybe pull some ideas together, and present them to the league officials.......pocket knives, flashlights, key chains, maybe just a framed certificate of the award, trophies, maybe get some used bowling pins and have them painted and printed with achievements on them.............there are so many options.......

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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #29 on: August 16, 2013, 01:10:33 PM »
I've seen so many posts about this (especially on Facebook)  My main question to everyone that is complaining:

What do you really expect to receive for a $10 National Sanctioning Fee?  (please remember that national sanction is $10 the other portion is state fees)


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Re: Changes to the USBC Awards.
« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2013, 01:17:06 PM »
I don't really think this is about the money, at least to me it isn't. The issue is getting recognition for your matter your average....and to bring people into the sport. prime example, I got my nephew a brand new plastic ball and had it drilled up yesterday......I told him that he had to bowl a 100 game and I would buy him a brand new bag of his choice. that excited him and he tried his hardest to bowl that 100 game. His high game was 73....he was disappointed but he also wants to get back out there and try it again! That was my way of getting him excited and wanting to bowl more often.