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Author Topic: Couple of questions???  (Read 2788 times)


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Couple of questions???
« on: July 07, 2009, 07:41:52 AM »
I'm bowling July 10th & llth, late squads both days.

Can I use a grey pad while practicing, to scuff polished balls? (I don't think I can?)

The use of sandpaper to open thumbs holes?
Can it be used in the lane area?

I'm not shipping back the balls I'm using.
Where can I leave them?

Duke Harding

"When we find delight within ourselves and feel inner joy
and pure contentment, there is nothing left to be done."

-- Joe Bowler, speaking on the "Perfect Strike".



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Re: Couple of questions???
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2009, 05:49:05 PM »
Duke,  late times are:

Team 8:30pm.  Singles/Doubles - if you bowl 8:30pm team, you usually get assigned one of the following: 11:40am, 5:30pm, or 11:30pm.  So, if you are sure it is the late squad, then probably 11:30pm.


I am the Sgt Schultz of bowling.
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I found out late today, TEAM is 8:30pm, 7/10 D&S is 5:30pm on the 11th.

We're doing the Mike Jasnau Team Session, on the 10th, which is going to be great (first time).

Duke Harding

If Bowling had a Mount Rushmore, Bill Taylor should be George Washington.


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Re: Couple of questions???
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2009, 09:22:06 PM »
why would you not be able to alter the surface during practice. you changing the surface of the ball and not the weight dynamics of it.

Because those are the rules.


when you check in your stuff it is to just make sure that the static weight is correct. you can alter surfaces of your equipment until practice has ended. it is no different than any other tournament.

Right and every tournament has its own extra rules.


 you can work on your thumb hole as many times as you want during competition. watch the pba us open and any of those tournaments, they are changing surfaces all up until the match begins

One of their rules is nothing touches a bowling ball surface except a dry towel.

Since you can add or extract thumb hole tape, I assume you could open up a hole with sandpaper, but they may think you're sanding the ball.
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"None are so blind as those who will not see."