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Author Topic: Early First Impression in Baton Rouge  (Read 832 times)

Brian Green

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Early First Impression in Baton Rouge
« on: March 05, 2012, 11:10:03 PM »
 I arrived in Baton Rouge Today and watched for a little bit and here is what I saw.   I can see both the left side and right side playing close.   Break point looks like 7-8 is going to be the area to start at and playing relatively straight.   I didn't see a whole lot of  success playing out.   When they dried out  the righties had a really good look from inside the 4th arrow.    I'm going to watch some more tomorrow and update my post.    

As far as equipment goes I saw a ton of mixed Breeds on the lanes. Both the solids and the pearl.  Saw some frantics and some nexus balls as well.  

As far as the booths go.  Brunswick and Visionary had the best prices.  Storm wasn't very willing to talk layouts and were high priced.  Hammer and ebonite were a little high too but not as high as storm.  The 900 Global booth was pretty reasonable and was willing to talk layouts:  

As far as layouts go :

Frankie may - visionary -  mixed breeds with a 35degree angle layout was his recommendation

900 global -  rollier balls with a pin in the 2in from axis range.  Ball strength depending on rev rate

I bowl wed and thurs I'll keep updating

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