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Author Topic: El Paso TX wants 2015 USBC Open Championship  (Read 5447 times)



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Re: El Paso TX wants 2015 USBC Open Championship
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2011, 07:46:43 AM »
I don't mean this personally, but I am sick and tired of hearing people whine "why don't they bring it to the East Coast". I can tell you why. There are no cities with a convention center big enough to hold the tournament that are willing to give up yearly, committed income to pay to host the USBC Open. The Open needs at least 100,000 sq ft of space in order to build the lanes, the booths and the offices needed to run the tournament. Find a Convention center of that size that doesn't have yearly bookings (like auto shows, boat shows, gun shows, etc) and then ask the city to bid. These shows commit for years into the future, you can't just turn then away. And if you do try for the tournament, and fail, then you have a convention center sitting idol for 6 months after you have turned away business. With the dire economic times the cities and states are in, no one is willing to take that chance. There are only 2 ways it gets back to the East Coast: Orlando Stadium gets completed, or there is a town that either built a new convention center, or they have one that just got renovated and they bring the tournament in before they book their yearly shows/conventions. So please stop whining about it. If you really want it, do something about. Go to your (or the closest big city) convention center authority and talk with them about bidding. Work with the local businesses (hotels, restaurants, casinos) to help support a bid package by explaining the benefits of hosting the tournament. If anyone isn't willing to do this then, pardon my french, but STFU about it.

Strapper_Squared wrote on 6/3/2011 6:25 PM:
I'm against it...  way too close the really, really bad part of Mexico


How about bringing it back to the east coast more often than once every 10 yrs...  There has to be somewhere in NC or VA (so the weather isn't too bad) that can handle the volume.




Edited by Strapper_Squared on 6/3/2011 at 6:38 PM




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Re: El Paso TX wants 2015 USBC Open Championship
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2011, 02:11:57 PM »
The people who complain the most are usually never the organizers.

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Re: El Paso TX wants 2015 USBC Open Championship
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2011, 08:01:28 PM »
I live outside Dallas so at least El Paso is a new place and I can drive. I drove through there a few years back on the way to California. Big place, I am sure there are things to do. I am game.


As far as Dallas. They did bid a few years back. There was a bond election to build a new convention center at the State Fair grounds. Bond election failed, so they pulled the bid. The conventions centers here stay full year round, so doubt they would tie up one of them anyway. There is a really nice new one going in Irving,but it will be open later this year or early next year and probably is booked solid by the opening. This area is a good place for conventions due to reasons mentioned and depending on when you come some decent sporting events. Mav's and Rangers have done pretty well the past year and still have hockey during the tourament. Arlington is one of those places though that if they thought the money was there would build a bowling stadium. That city is big into tourist attractions and sporting complex's, ever heard of Cowboys stadium!


Oh, as far as casinos. The fourth largest casino in the world is just north of Dallas on the Oklahoma border. There is another chain of casinos also on the border on the other interstate and head east to Louisiana and there are 6 casinos in Shreveport. They are a drive, but they is money at these for support if they wanted.

Roll with 900 Global.

Made in Texas! 
Edited by Tex on 6/6/2011 at 8:04 PM