Every year, some people claim that USBC Open scores are far too high, given the number of honor scores and the scores needed to win or place high in the standings.
However, even though the overall scores were a bit higher than those in recent years, only very few -- outside of the best players and shotmakers -- scored at high levels in the tournament.
This year, the entire field averaged 171.79 -- with a total pinfall of 68,401,949 over 398,179 games -- as compared to 168.3 over 461,357 games in 2013.
The Classified division -- including bowlers with entering averages of 180 or under -- averaged a composite 149.24 this year, while the composite average in the Regular Division was 178.38.
Keep in mind that the Regular Division includes bowlers with averages of 181 and higher -- and many of them average well over 200 -- so it's more than obvious that most bowlers shoot FAR LOWER scores than they do back home, but in the absence of THS conditions, that shouldn't be surprising.