Tournament fees recently increased. They are doing it again with their prime time slots. They charge you no matter how you choose to pay. I have no idea what you're talking about. Prices have been going up seemingly every other year.
Now if you're talking about USBC, you know how you solve the problem? You spend less. The only way to solve a financial problem isn't to take in more. Maybe some of them are being overpaid for running the ship into the ground. Maybe there are other ineeficiencies they can look at. Here's what I know: USBC was sold as a long-term solution to ABC's money issues and about 10 years later they are broke. Their most recent solution was to take awards away from the bowlers and pass that responsibility on to the locals that can't afford it. Maybe they need to fix the actual problem instead of not making the tough decisions that need to be made.
You really can't be this dumb, can you? I am asking honestly. No name-calling, just curiousity. This is a joke right???
Let's make this very simple for you, so simple even my 7 yr old can understand it, so it still may be a little difficult for you, but if you concentrate, I think you can get it....
It costs the USBC money to run itself....I think we can all agree on that, right?
We have this thing called inflation, which means prices of goods and services rise year after year.
So it costs the USBC more money to run this year than it did last, regardless of what they do.....still with me there Joe?!?
Membership dues has not increased in the last 5 years (give or take). Membership has also continually declined over those same 5 years.
Add that together that means that there is less money coming into the USBC, while the cost to run it has gone up.
In order to run the USBC, that difference has to come from somewhere. WHERE DO YOU THINK THE USBC SHOULD GET THAT MONEY FROM?
Oh wait, you said they should cut costs....but then you complain about them cutting costs like removing you want them to cut costs....just not the costs you want them to keep, right?
Oh and the tournament fees going up....see the inflation thingy up happens. And paying extra for prime spots.....does it cost the same to sit in the front row of a concert or sporting event as it does 2nd level?

Everywhere else we pay extra for better stuff.....why is it wrong here??? Oh wait, I know, cause Joe doesn't like in this case.
Class dismissed......make sure you get that nap in today so you aren't so cranky and don't act like a spoiled brat tomorrow, K!